Got one opening in Canada. I’m wondering if it’s worth an hour drive. The region is rather affluent so I’m likely not going to see those Worldstar IHOP fights irl.

  1. The crowd at IHOP is much more of a “Sunday After Church” crowd. Pretty much exclusively grandparents.

  2. >The region is rather affluent so I’m likely not going to see those Worldstar IHOP fights irl.

    IHOP fights? Is IHOP like y’all’s Waffle House equivalent or something or are your senior citizens just notably more aggressive than ours?

    Anyway, IHOP blows Denny’s out of the water purely due to the fact that the food at IHOP is at least edible and the restaurant is typically clean. The same cannot be said for Denny’s. Mind you, surpassing Denny’s is an exceptionally low bar, so this isn’t to say IHOP is *good*.

  3. Denny’s is more for when you’re out running errands and want a quick breakfast and IHOP is more for when you want to have a nice sit-down breakfast. I like both though.

    For driving an hour? I’d look for something to do around the area before/after because IHOP isn’t really worth a trip for it alone.

  4. I wouldn’t drive for an IHOP.

    It focuses a little less on greasy spoon stuff and non-breakfast items, more on novelty pancakes and similar. The crowd is older and calmer, the place is a bit cleaner usually.

    If you want an experience try waffle house lol.

  5. IHOP is better than Denny’s for sure, but it isn’t worth an hour drive. IHOP is where the college kids go when they’re hungry from studying or partying at 1am, since they’re open 24/7. My grandparents like Denny’s and in my experience, IHOP skews younger, but idk how different that would be in Canada.

  6. IHOP breakfast is a little better than Dennys but Dennys lunch and dinner food is much better than IHOP.

    Almost any decent local diner is going to be better than either.
    Just check out IHOP when you’re already near one, it not worth making a special trip for.

  7. Not sure what you’re talking about IHOP is pretty chill. Very tasty if you like breakfast foods.

    Denny’s is complicated for a lot of people, it’s a subpar experience but for some reason you keep going back.

  8. not much… the only game changer that I can think of is IHOP has that syrup caddie w/ 4 types of syrup. I don’t think it’s worth an hour drive though.

  9. It’s better than Denny’s. Denny’s is awful.

    >I’m wondering if it’s worth an hour drive.

    No. It’s just a restaurant, nothing special. It’s decent enough. I used to work 3rd shift for years, and IHOP would be the only place open at 3am so I’ve spent a lot of time there, and I appreciate it for being a decent place I could rely on always being open, but that’s the extent of my feelings about IHOP.

  10. They’re both trash but IHOP is like the trash on the top of the bin, it might still be edible but you’ll feel dirty for eating it.
    Denny’s is the trash in the middle that’s semi congealed and starting to rot

  11. I’ve lived and traveled all over the U.S. Generally, IHOP is a decent place. Nothing special but decent. Where I live, IHOP is the absolute worst place to get breakfast and you’re very likely to get dishes that haven’t been washed, bacon that is still somewhat raw, pancakes that have batter in the middle that aren’t fully cooked, eggs that have been sitting around for a long time and were re-used for your plate, and really terrible staff. I’d go as far as saying that I’m 85% sure the local IHOP franchise is some sort of money laundering scheme and that they’re intentionally trying to chase off customers.

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