What keyboard shortcuts do you use the most? Which one is the best?

  1. `win+shift+s` lets you drag a box to screenshot something, you can then `ctrl+v` to paste it. Most websites that you would upload an image to support just pasting it in.

  2. there’s one i learned quite a while back and enjoy using, although it is not needed and has very little actual use


    hold *alt*, *168* on the number pad.

    # ¿

    know it makes no sense, but i like it. lol

  3. F2 to rename a file (don’t know why this one isn’t stated in the drop-down menu)

  4. A lot of what I do on a computer is data entry. So control c and control v are my family

  5. Ctrl-Alt-T reopens the last tab you accidentally closed in Chrome.

    Shift-Ctrl-Alt-T opens all of your last tabs when you accidentally close the entire Chrome browser.

  6. Win+V will give you a list of all recent copied things instead of just the most recent one.

  7. If you’re on Windows, google windows shortcuts or how to shortcut [insert desired task] on Windows. I actually use ctrl + shift + N on desktop a lot.
    Usefulness rating gets the ctrl + arrows or ctrl + shift + arrows while editing text. Gamechanger.

  8. Ctrl + C: Copy

    Ctrl + X: Cut

    Ctrl + V: Paste

    Ctrl + Z: Undo

    Win + Shift + S: Screen Capture

    Alt + Tab: Switch Windows

    Alt + Shift + Tab: Switch windows (the other way)

    Ctrl + Tab: Switch Tabs in Chromium based browsers (next tab to the right)

    Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Switch Tabs in Chromium based browsers (next tab to the left)

    Ctrl + W: Close Tab (More on here to let you know to avoid this one)

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