I (18M) masturbate occasionally, whenever I do I don’t experience anything abnormal. A few days back I was doing my business, while i was coming, I felt like I had to force to release it after the first shot.. I never experienced this before as it all happens automatically without me needing to apply any force or any thought.. is this a problem or is it normal and will go away after a few months or so?

  1. I think it’s normal to tug it a few times to drain thoroughly. If it continues and is painful, ask a doc.

  2. I had this happen about a year ago after being diagnosed with ED (I’m 65) and going on Cialis. We were experimenting to get the dose right. For a little while it was too high, and the result was that I could only cum with great difficulty, having to force it out as you described, or not at all, because there was some kind of obstruction.

    I lowered the dose a notch and everything was fixed.

    I would ask your doctor about it. He may refer you to a urologist to get checked out.

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