What do men act like when they’re jealous/envious of another man?

  1. Funny enough, I’ve been around friends who will literally begin copying the person they’re envious of in in the room, tics, laugh style especially. I crack up every time it happens

  2. Storm their village in the night, slay the man who made me feel such feelings, hear the crying and lamination of their women and children, and drink their blood as lightning races across the sky.

  3. What I’ve seen is men that try to take others down a notch or two. Specially in from of women or a boss at work.

  4. They pull their PPs out so that the other male can see what he’s facing, this is sign that a PP challenge has been issued, contrary to popular belief it’s not the one with the tiniest PP who has to back down, but the ones who takes the longest to make the other ejaculate using only their tongue (Tongue, not mouth, the one who puts their mouth around the other’s PP is declared gay).

  5. Something i’ve noticed, is they will start to probe or observe and look for something they’re better at or a physical feature they have that the other guy doesn’t. Then be vocal about having it.

  6. They start wearing green, eating lots of coconut, learn Portuguese, and fly a German flag.

    There might be slight variations between individuals, but these signs will almost always be present.

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