My [F28] partner [M29] and I got in an argument the other day. He asked for a few days of no contact to sort his feelings, which I happily obliged. I sort of expected to hear from him yesterday or the day before. Today is day 5 of no contact and I feel myself getting increasingly more stressed out and worried for his well-being. I want to respect his space, but I also want my own peace of mind and I want to be sure he’s okay. Should I still wait it out, or should I reach out? Please help!

TLDR: my partner asked for no contact, but I am not sure how long it’s reasonable to hold that up for.

  1. He asked for space. You either respect that request or you don’t. But be aware that failing to respect this request is all but guaranteed to have the opposite effect that you are hoping for.

  2. after about a week I’d send a single message just saying you’re worried, asking for confirmation that he’s okay, and asking if he has a general idea how long he’d like to wait before talking again.

    It’s important to respect his boundaries but it’s also perfectly fair to want clear terms. He said a few days.

  3. When you feel like you can have a productive conversation without doing something you’ll regret. That might differ for both people, though. The reason also matters too.

  4. I think a week at most, but the reality is there should be a hard number set at the start, not ‘a few’. Good communication includes knowing when you CAN communicate again

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