I met a guy through a matrimony platform. We went out for a couple of weeks and then one day we were chilling at my place. he had to leave around 8 pm and I had told him I will be taking a nap after he leaves and later he can let me know if he wants to chill after his work is done. So he leaves and I went to sleep. I am a deep sleeper and I slept for the entire night. I woke up to someone knocking at my door at 7 am. (I live with flatmates). He was standing outside my room. He said he was really worried as I wasn’t answering my calls so he thought he would come check up on me. He lives with his parents, both 29. So, i got a little weirded out by this. Later when i checked my phone i had 20+ calls from him. When the next day i told him how I felt what he did was wrong as in any situation he can’t call me that many times and moreover coming to my place unannounced is unacceptable to me. He told me that if he is with someone he might do it again out of care. Am I wrong here to make an issue of the this?

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