My context:

I’ve had super deep crushes in 4th, 5th and 7th grade (to the extent where I couldn’t stop thinking of them, I couldn’t hold a conversation due to nervousness, my heard spread up, I got sweaty, I couldn’t look them in the eyes).

I’m now in 11th grade but haven’t developed any crushes since but would at least like to experience a relationship before university. The closest I’ve come to having another crush was once gazing in the direction of this attractive girl and we made eye contact for a split second and it felt like a punch.

I’m in a dance course at the moment and there are some attractive people (but I haven’t developed any feelings yet).

Basically I don’t know how crushes develop, it is a great feeling though to have a crush on someone (I think I’ve experienced them way deeper than all of my friends) but I don’t know what I should do next and how crushes develop.

TLDR; Would like to get into an affectionate relationship but not sure what to do next

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