I’m 15M, there is a girl I like. We often speak on Instagram. Our main subject of discussion is music. We go at the same school. I ask for advices so I don’t threw everything away before it’s even started.

im conscient that I’m at stage 0 of the relation. Any advices?

sorry for bad English

  1. My brief view:

    I’ll treat you as a man because it looks like you are going to ask a young woman out on a first date).

    Generally speaking if a woman is interested in a man she will make time and effort to be with you. If she is not interested then she will make excuses. That’s the starting point.

    So before you ask her out on a date (maybe to see some music that you can both connect with) just consider the context of her communication to you. Do you think she is interested and sending you the message that she wants to spend more time with you? Does she reply to your texts quickly? Does she make the effort and put in more than one word or one sentence responses?

    If your intent is to ask her out on a date (that is, you want to be more than friends with her) then I think you need to talk to her in person at school (or wherever you usually see her). (I don’t think asking her out on text message is cool but others might disagree. My view is that a man asks a woman on a first date in person).

    The key to face to face attraction is not always what is said but it’s about the woman’s body language and whether she flirts with you. If you receive positive signals from her then you can ask her on a date. A man then plans and leads a fun and exciting date for the woman. A young woman wants a fun date otherwise she will be bored and a second date is unlikely.

    How to ask her – well I suggest you chat with her at school (or wherever you meet her) about something musical or something not textbook related. Make her comfortable and be confident and lead to asking “Hey the X band is playing on Saturday night, would you like to go with me”? Just be relaxed. If there is nothing music wise happening in your city or town then you can plan something else.

    I hope this has helped you. Feel free to reach out if you are unsure of what I have said. Go well.

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