The other day some random guy called me the N word as an insult. Im a person of color but not black. Should I be offended by what he called me and should I react?

  1. I usually narrow my eyes and say not cool dude. But if he’s a random person you might be picking a fight or getting into a Conversation you don’t want to.

  2. As long as he doesn’t touch you, let him speak and wish him well. Never react to ignorance.

  3. The worst thing you could do is let the N word have any power over you. It’s just a word, nothing more.

    People only use it because it gets a rise out of those it’s used against.

  4. Your feelings of being offended are valid, but I think in this case it’s best to let it go and keep moving with your life. You can’t change how they think with a back lash, it might even make them feel more validated. Just act like you didn’t hear them, rise above.

  5. Like, out of the blue? I’d probably laugh and maybe say something like:

    “That’s rich”

    “Don’t you sound civilized/evolved?”

    “You kiss your mother with that mouth?”

    “At least I’m not imperialist trash!”

    “Oh, how original!

    “Look, Ma! A racist in the wild!”

    “Wow, so racist you can’t even get your slurs right”

    and make a quick getaway, lol. The lesson? People who criticize others for something like skin color really shouldn’t be given the time of day. In a lot of cases, a dirty look and keeping it moving sends the message. Stay safe, friend!

  6. That’s horrible! I’m sad you had to have that encounter. As a person of color, I relate to this situation too well. It’s best to not show emotion, because that’s what they want. BUT, there is nothing wrong with respectfully telling them to “fuck off”. Remember, “TACT” is telling someone to go to hell, and them being happy about it.

  7. Should you be offended? Maybe. Id just feel bad for the guy. He decided to accost some random on the street for what? If you were less tempered you could have rightfully gone over to beat his ass.

  8. I got called a woman once by this random dude on the street because I had long hair. I looked at him, and ignored him. You cannot medicate an idiot.

  9. People who act like this, let them be, leave them to their destiny. Its stupidity on his part, hes lucky its you he met this time round.

  10. Sticks and stones bro. People are too sensitive over words and getting a reaction from words is their goal.

  11. Taking offense to something redirects up your precious energy and focus on something really not that deep. Let them deal with their closed mindedness by themself while you focus on who’s important (you).

  12. This happened to me recently, but I wasn’t the target of the slur. It happened in a barber shop and I chose not to go to that business again.

  13. former friend of mine referred to people of arabic descent as “Sand N*****s” equally insulting imho. Doesn’t matter if your skin is not like nigerian black, if it isnt their own color or origin, then people like that just lump you in all the same.

  14. If you have to have ask if you should be offended then the answer is no. If you’re not Black that word is probably not going to hit a nerve for you like it would me. A reaction isn’t necessary if you’re not offended.

  15. Never let someone’s words control your emotion. An ignorant comment like that deserves nothing more than to be forgotten.

  16. Anyone that calls you that based on how you look is psychotically angry or dumb. I really wouldn’t worry about it. It is comparable to kicking the shit out of a trash can and shouting about an alien squid that controls the midget warlords in the Amazon.

  17. If you weren’t offended then you’re in the strongest position. People use disgusting language to get an emotional reaction and to get leverage against you by making you mad.

  18. Out of the blue? I’d laugh. I live in Japan and get called gaijin by random idiots occasionally. I agree with them and compliment them on how observant they are. Because you need to be some sort of genius to notice a white person isn’t Japanese.

    If I were you I’d laugh it off. Dude is saying it like it’s a bad thing to be
    . 🤷‍♀️ nothing wrong with having non white skin.

  19. Have a stoic mindset about it imo

    If you let it offend you, he and the word control you and your mood. Brush it off and move on with life. No point in getting hung up on some asshole’s comment

  20. I’m black and I just laugh. I know at that point they have nothing better to say. Say if I’m around “friends” and they say it or someone they brought. I say “that’s my cue to leave.”and just leave.

  21. Being offended by it is giving that person power over you. It’s only words,and only harmful to you if you let it be.

  22. become non-reactive, not only will that benefit you more in the longer run you will piss them off even more

  23. Name calling is always intended to attempt to make someone feel a certain way, once you realize that its easy to laugh at name calling.

  24. You’re allowed to be offended, if that’s the way you feel, but you don’t have to react. You can also say a prayer for them, because they’re obviously lost.

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