I feel stuck between not wanting to force things and not moving things forward enough. I’ve been friends with this girl for a while and I made a move on her a couple of nights ago when we were out at a club, she responded positively and I think some mutual interest has been established, but I don’t really know how to get things going from here. Do I just straight up ask her out for lunch or coffee or something? I’m worried that would be overly forward and I want to let things simmer for a bit longer but I don’t want to let things fizzle out either because I see her relatively infrequently. It probably sounds dumb cause if she does like me then I know she’ll probably say yes regardless but idk, I just don’t want to be awkward about it. I like to let things develop organically but I know that if I don’t make an effort and directly express interest or have the initiative to move things forward then nothing is going to happen.

  1. >she responded positively and I think some mutual interest has been established


    >I’m worried that would be overly forward

    Asking to grab coffee is overly forward? lol I think you’re just in your own head, psyching yourself out.

    >It probably sounds dumb cause if she does like me then I know she’ll probably say yes regardless

    Thats correct.

    > I just don’t want to be awkward about it.

    If a girl you liked awkwardly asked you to hang out….would you care? Or would you just be happy?

    >I like to let things develop organically but I know that if I don’t make an effort and directly express interest or have the initiative to move things forward then nothing is going to happen.

    Yeah the reality is, if you do nothing….nothing will happen. Pretty simple logic.

  2. > I like to let things develop organically but I know that if I don’t make an effort and directly express interest or have the initiative to move things forward then nothing is going to happen.

    Those things aren’t mutually exclusive m8. If anything it’s more organic if you make your interest known ASAP and see if she shares the interest.


    If you’re interested ask her if she’s free and ask her to do something simple together, coffee is perfect.

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