What do you think you would look like if you were a woman?

  1. there’s an app where you can upload your picture and see what you’d look like as a woman/guy. try it, it’s pretty crazy XD

  2. Even more like my mom.

    Little shorter, little heavier, still a little nerdy. Average body, not proportioned enough in one way to be fetished, maybe a C cup.

    My moms face, the best way I can describe it would be above average to beautiful for a 1950’s actress. Its a look you don’t see on lead actresses anymore. I’d probably look like that.

  3. I currently look exactly like my dad was when he was my age (seriously, like he meets friends from years ago and every single time they have this weird “did I just travel back in time or is this a dream or something?” look on their face when they see me)

    So I think it’s fair to say I would look a lot like my mom then

  4. One time in Chicago I was waiting for the train and a stranger approached me. He asked if I had a sister. Turns out he works with my sister, saw me and immediately guessed we were related. Told me we look shockingly alike.

    So, like my sister.

  5. My coworker had this app that turned people into the opposite gender. Honestly, I’d date the hell out of woman me.

  6. Probably a lot like my sister’s. Which would be a good thing because from what I’ve heard they’re hot

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