Hi everyone! I’m 21F and my boyfriend is 20M. We’ve been dating for almost 5 years and I love him with all my heart, he’s my best friend.

Yesterday he said something that kind of peaked my interest.

I’m not a huge phone person, never really have been a social media addict I just occasionally browse but rarely in his presence. I like to focus on real life more, I go the gym frequently, have hobbies, and socialize a lot in person, only really use my phone for texting and calling mainly.

He said yesterday while hanging out, somehow the phones got into conversation after we watched “the social dilemma” on Netflix:

“I just think it’s great you aren’t so into your phone like a lot of people are, I like it when people around me aren’t brain dead”

It made me think a little bit, do guys prefer girls without a social media? Or ones that Snapchat every second of their lives online? I’m curious.

  1. Everyone likes when the people they are hanging out with or dating actually are present and not just staring at mind numbing nonsense on their phone all day.

  2. I don’t think looking at your phone or engaging in social media is inherently bad. But I’m more likely to think of you as a shallow, superficial person if you’re literally always looking at it, or you always focus on making posts and getting attention, and you are addicted to the point that you get anxious without looking at it.

  3. People like it when the other people around them are not using social media in front of them. They also like it when people do not take personal phone calls when they are being social. It is about being in the moment and the use of social media and taking phone calls when out and about takes that person away from them. Their body might be there but they are actually not.

    I hope I do not come off as sounding like an old person yelling at the clouds. How so many people are addicted to using their cell phones is making true social interaction harder. It is keeping people from actually spending time together. Unless I am expecting an important phone call I do not answer when I am out. I excuse myself and check the message. If it is important I call them back, if not I text them to say I will talk with them later. If I get a text I wait for a lull in the converastion and then tell the people I am with I going to check that text.

  4. im fine with her having any form of social media accounts, but dont do it during “our time”, that gets old fast.

  5. >“I just think it’s great you aren’t so into your phone like a lot of people are, I like it when people around me aren’t brain dead”


    If a man needs to put other people down to compliment you it’s not a compliment.

    There seems to be this odd, persistent focus in certain male circles around women and social media and how “awful” and “shallow”, it’s almost like they think women are the only people who use it and it’s ‘tainted’ because women like it or dominate the various platforms. As if they aren’t following 100s of IG hotties and thirst traps and using Snap and TikTok just as much.

    Aside from the obvious that you shouldn’t be scrolling TikTok or taking 100+ selfies on dates or whatever, this guy is giving the bottom of the barrel most obvious and most “duh moment” opinion.

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