Do you feel like nowadays people block you over stupid reasons? Sorry for the rant but one time there was a guy driving a car on the live and I asked what his opinion on cyclists were till he gave me a normal answer then I said how I got hit by a car once when on my bike till he responded he hope I am ok “but for now” and then immediately blocks me and mutes me without warning like wtf I have seen no provocation in this whatsoever

  1. Blocking isn’t some serious thing. people just don’t want to engage with certain types of other people and will curate their social media to be a safe space/echo chamber only.

    Tik tok live isn’t the heart and soul of good socialising either, i wouldn’t even call it socialising at all.

    People can block you for any reason, at any time. it’s not that deep or some personal thing against you.

    It’s also good, because then you know that by being yourself you’ve put someone off, you wouldn’t want someone who’s put off by your very being to be talking to you anyway really.

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