I am looking for an outside perspective. I have been actively trying to get out and date while supplementing my down time looking online and I’m having a hard time gaining anyone’s interest for any real length of time. Lots of people love to be around me and seem to like my energy but as soon as I initiate contact to go further they are not really interested. I call it the ” cool guy but” syndrome. “You’re a cool guy but….” idk.
The few likes I do get, I put in real effort and shortly they are unadding me or saying they are not interested.

Maybe it’s my looks? I thought that for a bit but I have had multiple people tell me that I wasn’t ugly. I know I’m not a model but I don’t really think I’m super unattractive. I work alot of dirty jobs but I like to be clean and when I’m not working I am clean. I am kind of chubby around the midsection but I’m actively working on it. My life isn’t sedentary by any means. I’m 6ft and very strong. Basically I look like I could lift a bus but also look like a lifted a few beers.

Confidence issue? I don’t really think so. I am a very extroverted guy and I am not shy when it comes to shooting my shot.i may not have all the right words all the time but I’m not afraid of trying. I like to be fun cocky and flirty and I’ve seen people be receptive to it. I’m not a dick I’m a pretty nice guy but I know not how to be walked on. new people I meet are normally really comfortable around me in short time. I do think all my friends would agree.

Not interesting enough? I don’t know, I’ve got tons of shit to talk about. I don’t think my life is boring at all. I have done some pretty wild stuff and I would say my life is overall adventurous. I live in alaska, I’ve got a kickass job. I was a commercial fisherman for 6 years I’ve been around the world and the list goes on.

I’m thinking maybe a personality issue. It’s hard to see myself through eyes that aren’t mine to get a real look at my surroundings. I’m starting to think either I’m to intense or maybe I am carrying myself In a way that turns people off romantically and i cant see it. Maybe i show desperation? I suppose it depends on your definition of desperate. I didnt think i was desperate because i am still somewhat picky. Meaning i wont just take anybody because i want love. But i would really like to be desired and attractive. Like I said, lots of love from the friends side of things but no more. I’m not really into changing myself for what other people want but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t bothered a bit by the lack of romantic interest. And I do believe that I should be ready to be what I’m asking for. So what am I doing wrong?

If you read through all this thank you so much for at least hearing me out.

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