Context: I’ve had a fairly low sex drive for years, which I’m assuming is the responsibility of my birth control/antidepressant combo. Last year, a friend had told me about a specific weed strain he and his wife use for intimacy and at the time I didn’t think much of it because I didn’t really partake in any marijuana. Around December, my partner and I started smoking weed and for Valentine’s Day I surprised him with this strain my friend had mentioned (pink Picasso by wonderbrett for those wondering). I had the best orgasm of my life and it lasted easily 30-45 seconds longer than usual.

Now when we play, whether or not I’ve smoked, my experience is so much better and I’m much hornier than I was before. I’m initiating sex more and I can climax 2-4 times. It’s like I unlocked a superpower lmao. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

  1. That’s not how weed works long term. It can lower inhibitions at first but marijuana lowers testosterone levels and sex drive.

  2. The new “assisted therapy” works by the same principle. Using weed or psychedelics to open up new brain pathways which were inaccessible due to inhibition, with the idea that those could stay open after the drug has been withdrawn

  3. If you think this is great. Go run out and buy THC/CBD lube. Your life will change !

    It is a vasodilator and brings so much sensation to your clitoris. The lube itself will not get you “high” due to how it’s being absorbed. It mostly causes your entire pelvic area to feel like it’s numb and also has more sensitivity than usual. It’s very interesting. It’s kind of the similar feeling of after a large orgasm. You’re numb but you’re entire body feels like heaven.

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