What is one thing you won’t do with your kids that your parents did you ?

  1. I won’t have kids, but if I did: always believe them in the wrong whenever they clash with adults or other kids. My parents and grandparents seem to think they were doing it to avoid spoiling us, but it’s one of the bigger reasons I grew up to be absolutely fucked in the head.

  2. I honestly don’t recall getting a single hug with a parent until I hugged my mom as an adult. Seriously. I basically had to learn physical touch after heading off to college.

    I hugged my children regularly, had them sit in my lap for story time, gave and received back rubs. That weird lack of physical affection shit ended with my parents.

  3. My dad didn’t believe in mental illness.

    Despite the fact every teacher I ever had said I had ADHD, he was convinced it was just an excuse to give kids speed and enrich the pharmacutical companies.

    As such I was kicked out of school 5 times for disruptive behavior, held back a year my Jr year of highschool despite scoring 1480 on my SAT that year, and dropped out of college after 2 years due to lack of direction

    Only to be diagnosed at age 27 with ADHD, autism and anxiety

  4. Beat em up with fake hand grenade lighters. Nor i will drag em through the room by the legs, over cheap plastic carpet so they keep burns that are still visible 40 years later.

  5. Beat the shit out of them (typical Asian kid with a narc tiger mom). The trauma is detrimental and take my whole life to cope with. Oh and guilt-trip.

  6. Have patience.

    My parents had 5 kids. They grew up in the southern US. They had 0 patience with us. Just irritated all the time. We got spankings regularly with random items. Belts, garden hose, switches, fan belts from a car, random pieces of construction items like 1×2 boards and shit. They had forgot what it was like to be a child. Respect for my elders was physically drilled into and children were to be seen and not heard.

    Due to this I didn’t really know how to associate with adults until I was well into adulthood.

    I have 5 kids. 2 biological and 3 step kids. I talk to them and teach them to communicate. I teach them that just because a person is older than them doesn’t mean they have to agree or even respect them. If they have authority over them such as a teacher then do what your told but come home and tell me if there’s an issue.

    Overall, my parents created bad habits in me that I had to repair when I got older. I will not do the same to my kids.

  7. Force them to work in the family business. I’m not unhappy overall, but I never had a choice, and I was groomed since I was little to continue the family business.

    Now I’m a 40 year old that gets bossed around by his Dad all day, despite being part owner.

  8. Get me to listen to them through fear tactics

    Parental figures in my life used to use horror movies to punish me for things

    Didn’t want me touching things in the store? They would say some man would kidnap me take me away if I did so

  9. Cheat on their mom 3 times and have another kid with a different woman that I won’t tell the oldest (me) about until they’re 10.

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