I‘m a very socially anxious person with only 2 very good friends and my boyfriend as my social circle. I usually don’t meet people often and when I do I often feel drained afterwards. During my studies I spent a year abroad in the UK (I’m from Germany) and last week it took me all the courage I had but I visited 2 people from this time again after 5 years of not having seen them.

I was incredibly scared at first but we had such a great time and I met a lot of their friends that I also clicked with. Now I’m back to my old life and feel so sad and kind of robbed of this ‚me‘ I was when I was visiting them. I feel like I’m on some kind of drug comedown 🙁

1 comment
  1. You experienced Positive Social Energy on your trip to the UK. Probably because these friends were VERY excited to see you.

    You can create the same thing yourself in Germany. It starts with Positive Social Energy and showing enthusiasm to people while in conversation. People literally CONNECT based on positive emotion.

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