Married (f30) to husband (m32) has a married (f32) friend started snapping my husband while she was away on a business trip. She would just send generic snaps, everyday until she came back from her trip. Then stopped snapping and then would send snaps of her at work, or her walking, but never sexual. Now she is a super flirty and is good looking. She is a mutual friend but always seems giggly and flirty with my husband. Not enough that everyone notices but not in my face. My husband is super nice and isn’t cheating, but he will talk to her like a friend. But I feel like she is leaning in for more? Why would she all of a sudden start snapping him and sending him pictures. Nothing sexual but it’s new? No my husband isn’t cheating, no they don’t hang out. Just she messages him and I can tell she likes him

1 comment
  1. This is cheating… its an emotional affair. He might be being a nice guy to her but if her marriage isn’t going great and here is your nice husband treating her like how she wished or giving her the extra little attention she needs to feel special then yeah its an emotional affair. Did she start sharing some of her marriage issue with your husband? I won’t be shocked this isn’t her first affair as well. Now your husband maybe just being a nice guy and trying to help her out but she might be seeing it as flirting or affection.

    No more snap chat, youre in your 30s, and your friend needs to contact you if she is to talk to your husband. You should talk to your husband about setting boundaries with her and deflecting conversations to you.

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