So i’ve been talking to this F23 (she’s a libra not that it matters) for about 6 weeks now with us hanging out at least once every weekend. she came into my life (i’m a gemini, again not that it matters) randomly and we’ve been talking since getting to know each other, with us hanging out taking her on dates & come over once to watch a movie. we have kissed & cuddled to the point where she left a hickey on me (childish i know) she says she really likes talking to me but wants to take things slow she just got out of a relationship not too long ago november/ december. we share everything text each other everyday telling each other about our day and etc. last time I seen her was on valentines day after I took her out and gave her some gifts. we talked about relationships and where we were. she tells me she’s not ready for a relationship at the moment she wants to protect her body & soul which I understand & respect but i’m not in no rush just want to see her that’s it, and enjoy my time getting to know her, and that’s where she says she wants me to be patient with her and let her decide what she wants she’s not sure yet. from her own words well we didn’t hangout last weekend cause we just too tired from our personal work life’s we’re both busy people. this weekend it’s her friends birthday and agreed to hangout and go out & drink which i’m fine with but am I really? don’t tend to overthink stuff but just not sure how to feel if this really will work if i’m patient or am I just being lead on to the point where i’m just wasting my time? need advice on how I should talk to her without getting too attached?

tldr; met a girl that came into my life randomly we connected so well & talked every day for the past 6 weeks, she wants to take things slow, she’s not ready for a relationship, should I continue being patient? 2 weeks without seeing her

  1. I know this isn’t super helpful, but it’s really your call man.

    6 weeks isn’t that long to know someone. If you’re having a lot of doubts, then it’s probably a good time to break things off before either of you get more invested. Ideally this stage of the relationship is smooth and easy, y’know?

    It’s really hard to know what someone means by “not ready for a relationship”. It can mean “I’m still very wounded/hung up on my ex”. It can mean “I’m not interested in committing to you specifically, but I’m too afraid to be straightforward”. It can mean, “I do not want to commit because I prefer the freedom of being unattached”.

    She may not be ready to commit for a long time. If you’re really wanting to be in a more serious relationship, then it might be better to seek that with someone else. No one can say for sure. She may be ready to commit next Thursday for all we know.

    >how I should talk to her without getting too attached?

    There isn’t really a way to just turn our hearts off. You can do self-talk, try and keep your feet on the ground by reminding yourself that this is not a relationship and may not become one. But if you’re interacting all the time, it’s gonna be hard not to catch deeper feels.

    If you really like her and are sincerely okay staying in this limbo for a while longer, then proceed with caution. You’re young, and there’s lots and lots of time and opportunity ahead of you whether or not you continue to see this girl.

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