So i just got my eyebrow pierced after wanting it for like 6 years and my boyfriend doesn’t like piercings. He told me to take it off or he would break up with me and that I look like an idiot with it and that our sexual life is over. I really liked it at first but now I don’t know anymore after him telling me I look awful and that I don’t attract him anymore. Idk if i should take it off now

  1. Do you like the piercing? If it’s something you like and have been wanting to get… Keep it. If its a deal breaker for your boyfriend, that’s his problem. Better to find out now this isn’t the person for you instead of years down the road.

  2. Keep the piercing, dump the kind of guy that would insult you and make ultimatums over something so trivial.

  3. He doesnt get to control what you do with your body but he is allowed to have an opinion. I’m 20F and have multiple facial piercings, my partner has never liked any of them at first in all the years we’ve been together but he ended up accepting them over time and says he doesnt really notice them now/isn’t bothered by them.

    Essentially either he will accept it or you guys will break up, either option will be what it is. If he feels so strongly about it then you guys may not be compatible, if you remove your piercing then you may feel resentful towards him for it especially after wanting it for so long.

    These things should be discussed prior however ultimately it is your body but he can also feel however he feels about anything. neither of you are wrong for how you feel about the piercing.

    EDIT: just adding that he by no means should have insulted your appearance while expressing his dislike to the piercing

  4. It’d be one thing if he came to you and told you he just doesn’t find that attractive. You know – turn it into a conversation. We all have what we like and don’t like 🤷🏾‍♀️

    But it’s the fact that he insulted you, demanded you remove it, and threatened to break up with you over it. Probably should break up with him for that.

  5. Is he really a keeper? Your body your decision, make it his problem and if he leaves there are better guys out there.

  6. If that’s all it takes for a guy to ditch you, he’s not the one darlin. Drop him and move on to better things.

    To put it in perspective; he’s going to “break up over a piercing”. A small piercing. What’s next? You can’t ever do that other thing you’ve always dreamed of? I’d be saying different if you wanted to tattoo you’re entire back/face or something. This is a tiny piercing.

  7. It’s fine if he doesn’t like piercings, but he’s being a major jerk over it. I think it’s best if you dump this guy and keep the piercing.

  8. Honestly the most concerning part of this post isnt even the eyebrow piercing, its his unwarranted over reaction and the rude way he speaks to you. You’re better off without someone who insults you over something so unimportant/inconsequential as an eyebrow piercing.

  9. What mostly gets me is that he threatened to break up with you, he *insulted* you and that he is withholding sex now.

    What a child.

    Go get your other eyebrow pierced and take him out with the trash.

  10. Dude, you’re 21. It’s your body. Keep the piercing, ditch the dude. This is a very simple arithmetic.

  11. I broke up with a man who told me not to cut my hair any shorter. He was shocked. About a year later he got back in touch and tried to get back with me. Went on and on about how much he missed me, how stupid his comment was etc. I still laugh when I think about that clown.

  12. If you liked/wanted it, and his reaction is to insult you and call you names, then this wasn’t a good relationship for you in the first place.

    It’s one thing if that kind of piercing is a turn off for him. That’s fine. Everyone has different turn ons/offs. But HOW he expressed himself is NOT OK and you deserve to be with someone who can communicate with you respectfully. He is not that person.

  13. I once dated a guy who disliked my small tattoo. He said I should remove it for him. He also said I should quit smoking and lose weight (I was 55kg but had a tiny belly).

    He’s now my long forgotten ex, I have an even bigger tattoo and piercing that my now husband finds badass and cool, loves my body the way it is and I quit smoking myself for myself on my own terms.

    Girl, take no shit. No matter your age. When you’re young, when you’re old. Never take shit from a man.

  14. As someone who has been in this exact situation before, if he wants to break up with you over an eyebrow piercing, he’s likely just looking for an excuse.

  15. Everyone has a personal preference and when it comes to differences of likes vs dislikes, no one wins.

    If you like them then go for it. If he doesn’t like it then he is free to leave.

    End of story.

  16. And so it begins, I don’t like your hair, your friends, your family, your cooking etc… If you decide to keep the piercing or not the one thing that needs to go is that BF.

  17. You shouldn’t dump him for not liking your piercing; you should dump him for being a shithead about it.

  18. If you like it, leave it in. But whatever you decide, you should break up with him regardless. If he doesn’t like piercings, that’s fine and he can end your relationship if it is that important to him which is also fine.

    What *isn’t* fine however, is the hostility he displayed and the verbal degrading he gave you over it. There was *absolutely no reason* for him to get so angry and insulting towards you.

    So yeah, break up with him because he doesn’t like piercings and you don’t like angry, insulting jerks.

    And mark my words, the piercing won’t be the end of it. He’ll insult your hair, make-up, clothes, friends, etc until he has molded you into his fantasy girlfriend instead of loving **you** and accepting **you** for who you are.

  19. Relationships come and go but your body is yours forever. Do with it what you want and let that man go!!

  20. Girl. You’re gonna let a whole ass man tell you what you can and can’t do? It’s 2023 we are not doing that. Tell him bye.

  21. If your relationship can be over because of you getting a piercing, he’s doing you a huge favor by breaking up.

    My husband met me when I had an eyebrow piercing and one day, when he was already my boyfriend at the time, I asked him what he truly thought of it. He said he not only found it cool, but also he thought it was super hot the way I just wasn’t afraid of showing my personality and the piercing was part of that. THAT’S the vibe you’re looking for. Someone who’ll hype you up!

  22. Him objecting to you wearing a specific kind of jewellery isn’t the issue. Him insulting you (“you look like an idiot”) is unacceptable. Dump him for that and get on with your life, wearing whatever jewellery you like.

  23. Be true to you! Love of my life didn’t like my body mods. They are my armor and the one thing that I LOVE about my appearance. That was a wake up call for me. Other red flags came out of the shadows. Find someone who loves you FOR YOU! Anyone who will leave you over jewelry, won’t be there during downs anyway.

  24. Okay, so preface that he can have tastes and blah blah etc. We all know that.

    The problem is that if you take it out you set a pretty terrifying precedent: if he doesn’t like something you are doing he can hold the relationship ransom explicitly and you will fold. Given he clearly has no hesitations doing so it would potentially begina a pattern. And be aware just knowing he can and might do it is enough that he might never explicitly say it again but will like say stuff like ‘you know my stance on this’ and etc.

    In my eyes the piercing then isn’t really what is at stake here. It’s his fear of change, his willingness to mock and degrade you, how willingly he will throw it all away or more significantly the threat of it. To me this is the start of a very toxic dynamic, assuming there isn’t already a pattern of this.

  25. The what you should do call is all your own. If you like it then keep being you. If he can’t handle it then that is his call. Is he often controlling or is this just something he has said would be a deal breaker before? In the end what makes you happy is normally the correct answer. But he gets to make the same choices that make him happy too.

  26. It’s weird that people are saying that “you knew he didn’t like piercings”, but not mentioning the fact that he knew you wanted one for years.

    If he’s not attracted to piercings (also weird that a simple piece of jewelry on your eyebrow makes you suddenly unattractive), that is his prerogative. But it is not ok to make demands, insult you, and withhold sex. I’m concerned that you are considering changing something that you waited so long to do and loved before he got so upset, for a man who is being so disrespectful and making you question yourself. Personally I would let him go and find someone who loves you for you- and your piercing.

  27. Is he going to do this every time you make a change he doesn’t like? Get a haircut, what clothes to wear etc.

    If he’s willing to break up over something this small, then he obviously doesn’t value you very much

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