So I asked this girl to prom and she said yes. It’s a really nice story that my girl friends have said is cute. Apparently she told someone else that she was going to ask me out too. We don’t generally talk in school because we don’t have the same classes. When we do see each other, we don’t really talk as much as I like. Like I was sitting next to her once and i hated not talking to her. She also doesn’t like to go out much but she said she’d love to go star gazing with our friends ( I invited the friend group but she doesnt usually go stargazing)

We went on a date Friday which was good, but she likes to go to bed early so she was really tired by the end of it. She also brought her puppy along, but I’m pretty sure that was just something to make her feel less awkward (I think it was one of her first dates). When I picked her up she looked pretty excited and so did her mom and sister who all said hi to me at the door. The whole time it was a 2 sided conversation which was good. She didn’t sit close to me on the bench while we got ice cream we were like a foot apart.

So yeah. I’m so confused. I know that she is an introvert and isn’t that fast to open up to people but im not sure what’s going on.

I’ve been taking it slow but like I’m not sure if she’s into me. I don’t know what to do so any insight is helpful. And what do I do next.

Currently the plan is to call her Monday after my senior night for lacrosse. Maybe she’ll be there?

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