So, Men how do you should your affection. Doesn’t matter if you’re married or in a relationship or single. I just wanna know.

  1. Well, according to the “5 love languages”, my primary love language is words of affirmation. Most people don’t just want to receive love in their primary love language, but also give love in their primary love language so probably true for me.

  2. I put whipped cream on my weiner and stuck it in her face when she was asleep while talking to some morning show radio guys to get tickets to a shitty concert she liked.

  3. Spending quality time according to those language tests if true. Campfires, music and dinner are always a good time.

  4. They show love by working everyday and spending their resources on the people he loves regardless of his job/income, which is usually overlooked nowadays

  5. I do the things she is really bad at so she doesn’t have to do them. And I don’t even complain about it, because I kind of like doing it.

  6. I think the best way to put it is, if we’re doing something with you in mind knowing that you will benefit from it, emotionally, financially, physically, in any way basically where you benefit, that could be considered affection from us.

    And we’re doing it out of our own will because we want to.

  7. My experience with a Scottish lass.
    Try to hug.. get shouted at.
    Surprise from around a corner with a kiss to forehead, cheek and lips in rapid succession only to get sighed at and told you’re in the way.
    Try to keep a conversation going that she started – get told to shut up because I’m interrupting the show we’re watching.
    Buy her her favourite flowers at full price because she’s worth it(she will only get them herself if they’ve been reduced) – get called a dick because they weren’t on offer.
    Make her coffee first thing in the morning before you leave for work, in her exact particular method. ( flat teaspoons(has to be that special spoon) of creamer/whitener, 4 heaped sugar teaspoons, 2 after eights. ORDER MATTERS! 4 heaped teaspoons of freshly ground coffee beans. In her big 750ml travel mug) – get told do fuck off to work cuz you’ve farted throughout the night.

  8. Through action. You never have to say a single damn word to show love. It’s about the little things (and big ones too). You work your ass off day after day, you have nothing to hide, you always open the door for her, always honest, take her out and make her feel like a million bucks. Do the shit that you used to do when you first start dating.

    But now that I’m single, the biggest way I show affection is by being there for people 24/7. I have several lady friends who have had their own set of issues and called me at ungodly hours of the night to ask to spend the night at my place bc their S.O. Is abusing them or they got in a fight or their apartment caught fire or they’re dealing with something mentally/emotionally. Just being a good listener is another way I show affection as well

  9. Spending time together, taking time for her, words of affection and affirmation, cooking for her, plan activities, hugs, kisses, cuddles, listening to her when she just needs to get something off her chest.
    Basically everything to show that i love her

  10. Five love languages… mine are touch and acts of service. So I naturally do those things. Hers are touch (thankfully) and then quality time and gifts. So I make sure I don’t ignore those.

  11. I’m a very affectionate guy I like a lot of physical touching kissing cuddling when in a relationship

  12. I tell my wife, kids, and grandkids that I love them, I hug them, and I spend time with them.

  13. Little things. Brush the snow off her car, for example.

    I used to do that when we were dating and had our own places. If I was in the area I’d stop by and clean off her car so she didn’t have to. 20+ years later I still do it.

  14. I share food and I give hugs and kisses. The kisses are for my kids and wife. The hugs are for everyone else.

  15. Holding hands. ALWAYS open the door for her. Buy her flowers just because I want to when she least expects it. She’s on her feet all day so I massage her feet and calves and thighs and

  16. Despite having a chronic illness, I get up up to be a work slave so I could pay for dates/vacations/ gifts, generally things she wants/needs. More times than not an act that’s grossly overlooked. Whoever came up with the idea of men being “provider” slaves and trying to convince us that we find joy out of it needs some sort of medal.

  17. I get her stuff she wants, or gift cards to pick out her own stuff.

    Work house projects she wants done.

    Take the kids out of the house so she can get a bath. To the park or something.

    Help with housework even though I’m worn the fuck out because she’s also worn the fuck out.

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