I’m 25 about to be 26 and never been with a girl, kissed a girl, or had sex with a girl. I keep feeling sorry for myself because I feel like I missed out being sexually active in my youth. Always felt I had a lot against me. I’m short 5’5 and have a babyface that still makes me look 16, so girls always told me ”I look really young”. That made me insecure…..but question is it too late for me?

  1. Nope! One found that I’ve been more open and accepting of my wants and desires as I’ve gotten older.

  2. Nope. Live is just beginning for you. There is someone for everyone. It’s true that the first word that women use to describe attractive men is tall, but there are plenty of women who would be interested in you for who you are. As for your looks, enjoy it while you can. As an old lady told me, enjoy being young. You’ll be old for a long time.

  3. >did I waste my prime sexual years?

    Yeah, probably. Most people do, though. There is a saying, “Youth is wasted on the young.”

    > I keep feeling sorry for myself because I feel like I missed out being sexually active in my youth.

    Throwing pity parties for yourself doesn’t lead to changing and improving your life.

    >but question is it too late for me?

    You’re 26, not dead.

  4. I lost mine way later than u bud. Men testosterone levels supposedly drop after 35 so don’t worry. And even after 35 if you’re working out and staying on top of your T levels you’re good

  5. Absolutely not. As a straight man I only lost my virginity around your age also. There are many “late bloomer” men like us, maybe we need a bit more time with ourselves to learn/practice how to be attractive to women but many of us get there eventually.

    There is practically no such as “prime years” or “missing out” there are even a lot of highly sexually active men and women who are as old as 40 or 50 yo.

    If you’re looking for long term relationship, it will indeed be more difficult for you as you grow older because the single women near your age are more experienced, they have a better idea of what sort of men do they want (personality wise) and tend to have more mature healthy relationship standards.

    They are also doing their best to find the right person for them, just like you. So you have to be open to the possibility that you have to improve yourself. Not saying that there is surely something wrong with you. But you have to at least try to ask yourself: what do women look for nowadays in the dating market and do my current choices, actions and personality traits fit that criteria? Then be open minded to the possibility that the answer to that question is you admitting that you need to put in some work on yourself.

    That being said, there is no good reason to let these things affect your self confidence or to feel “sorry for yourself”. Some are really good at attraction at an earlier age and some need a few years of time to get ready and that’s okay: there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Self confidence is important in dating and a major attractive trait, the lack of confidence is a turn off.

  6. As a man, no. You’ll probably be fine if you get your shit together within the next 5 years

  7. I’m 32, about to turn 33. Since becoming single in December just gone I’ve had the most active sex life with, without a doubt, the best sex life I’ve ever had. It’s never too late and I agree with other commenters that it is arguably better in my 30s by far.

  8. You are still very young! Don’t be so hard on yourself. You still have many years to experience things. The right person is out there for you.

  9. Hi, 30 year old 5’1″ dude here. I was with my high school sweetheart for a long time, we didn’t get divorced until I was 26. So I didn’t get a chance to play the field until your age and I am significantly shorter than you are. No, it is no way too late for you.

    But people aren’t attracted to people with no confidence who focus on self-pity. The moment a potential partner would hear you say something like “Ive always felt I had a lot going against me” its over. It isn’t too late unless you decide it is, just get after it and don’t bitch and whine every time a woman isn’t interested because that will happen 9 times out of 10 for short guys.

    But you can still fuck the shit out of the tenth one bud. Keep your head up.

  10. Way too late. It’s time to start looking at retirement homes now. Focus on social service, helping people for the remainder of your time on this planet. Meditate and attain inner peace.

  11. Still a few years left for you trust go out and do it I wish I had but it’s too late for me

  12. Every year of adulthood can be a prime sexual year. So in a way, several are behind you. But it’s not too late.

    Just try very hard to put yourself out there more.

    Also I have always been glad that I came to sexuality later in life as people who’ve been fucking since highschool sometimes think like highschoolers, and highschoolers are sometimes very dumb.

  13. Dude you have your whole life ahead of you!? I am also 5’5” and I was a late bloomer! Honestly didn’t hit my sexual peak until I was in my mid 40’s so just relax and be yourself and it will happen! I’m 56 and have a great sex life!

  14. Nah, you’ve got decades to reach your prime if you stay active. I started at 16 and some of my best years were in my late 30s. Quality beats quantity. If you haven’t started then by definition the best is yet to come! May you find someone to grow and explore with.

  15. I’m more open and horny at 42 than I was at 22. I’m a guy so it’s a bit different, but personally, I’ve found it’s the same with women. I find them more attractive between 30-50 than 18-30. And they’re so much more confident and competent at what they’re doing. Maybe it’s just you like what you experience. And 30-50 is my current wheelhouse. It’s never too late. Somewhere, right now, a couple of 70 years olds are fucking each others brains out living their best life.

  16. Dude, I was married to a closeted lesbian from 26 to 39. I am 48 years old now and I have had such incredible sex these past 9 years. Believe in yourself bro

  17. You just have to find the perfect partner ( fwb / ltr or whatever) and experience everything together 😊
    Just dont be scared to try new things and good luck out there and stay safe !

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