It’s weird, I find it to be a natural defense mechanism against my own slight social anxiety to act super chill, talk rather monotone, not react outwardly to much, etc. It’s not like I’m a buzzkill or anything, I still laugh really easily, but that’s about it, besides laughing loudly I act very lowkey and un-dynamic, if that’s a thing.

It’s ironic because normally the inside of my mind is filled with emotions awry, I feel things rather deeply (both good and bad) but for whatever reason I’ve never been great at expressing that to the outside world.

  1. One easy way to do this is with the use of emojis! ☺️☺️

    You can also try to sound excited at what others say and react excited (with the use of emojis of course)

    Friend: Look at what I just got in this game
    You: 🤨🤨🤨 It’s going to be epic isn’t it!??!?!!

    These are some of my tips I have used as I am in the same boat as you.

  2. You’re ruminating. Stop.

    If you can’t stop ruminating about how weird you are and it is negatively impacting things that are important to you, you need to discuss this with a professional.

    On Charisma:

    old people think it is the bees knees

    young people are captivated and look up to it

    Normal adults don’t want to be exhausted by conversation

    people trained in mental health see extreme charisma and RUN in the opposite direction: it is strongly associated with narcissism and sociopathy and other reality disordered thinking

    -sincerely your resident k-12 social skills provider and special education teacher

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