I always see “what’s the most oblivious a guy has ever been when you made a move” or stuff like that, but never this…

I’ll go first. This happened 1 or 2 years ago when I was in high school. I went to this community service thing to build houses, and met this really cool girl that was like 1 or 2 years older than me. We got along really really well, and at one point near the end we were both sweating a lot, so she invited me to her car for like 15 minutes, which had AC (I took an Uber I think). In her car she tried to make a move like 3 different times, and I didn’t realize. Then at the end, she gave me her phone number and told me to call her, I also didn’t realize… until yesterday. WHY AM I LIKE THIS?!

  1. Apparently some woman at my job was trying to tell me I could pay to have sex with her a couple weeks ago and was super offended that I didn’t take her up on it.

    I didn’t even know I was being propositioned lol. I’m paid to be nice no matter what these people say. I have no memory of any conversation I have at work 30 seconds after it ends.

  2. Years ago I was doing personal training and I booked a pretty good looking girl. I was new to the city and she told me what places are fun and what trails to hike. I thanked her for the info and told her I’ll go by myself. Weeks later she hinted we should go out to eat and a few days later we started going out. On our first date she said she couldn’t believe how I didn’t pick up on hints that she was asking me out, such as the hint on what trails to hike. I heard most men don’t pick up on hints. I’m one of them.

  3. I was in the cafeteria of my college & a girl who I’ve talked to a couple times came up to me. She gave me a big wide smile & hugged my arm. She started to pet my arm & asked me if I had any plans for later that day.

    I told her that I was going to be busy as I was going to go to the gym & then hang out with some of my friends. The smile of her face became a forced smile & she simply said “ok”.

    I didn’t realize what I did until maybe a year later.

  4. One time in college I travelled with some of my buddies to hangout with one of our other friends who went to a different college. I was at a bar and definitely intoxicated but not to the point I shouldn’t have realized what was going on. I was waiting for a bartender and a pretty hot girl came up and handed me money to buy her a drink. I assumed she wasn’t 21 or something and not being the moral police decided what the heck I’ll do it. Here is what I forgot, you have to be 21 to get into the bar, they were iding at the door not at the bar. There is no reason for her to have me do this other than to try to start a conversation, but it gets worse. When I bring her the drink and her change we banter a little and she grabs my bicep and goes “you’re really big.” It still didn’t hit me and I think I said something along the lines of “I actually just got done with another wrestling season so I’m actually pretty small compared to other times” or something fucking stupid like that. The even worse part is I don’t think I realized this until a solid 3 months after the trip while I was reminiscing on it with some of my friends. I still kick myself over this one to this day.

  5. I was buying a mattress right after I got off of work. It was during the lockdowns or possibly right as they were lifted. We smalled talked. She made a comment about how I probably wished I got laid off so I could make more on unemployment benefits. I was unaware IL was giving a bonus $600 to the benefits, so the comment actually annoyed me because I’m not a lazy prick. My response was probably since my previous job had me getting 10 hours of OT pay at $24hrly and it would’ve influenced what I’d have gotten. After saying that she instantly followed up with, “what are you doing later today.” I was exhausted and still a little bother by her comment, so it flew right over my head she was trying to ask me out. Wasn’t a loss though. She had one of those hideous tans I assumed was a spray-on.

  6. I had a new coworker at a job I worked at that was super into me and I was totally oblivious. She reminded me too much of my mom, so I never considered anything. Like, three weeks into her employment my manager came to me to ask if anything was going on between her and I because she was all about me. Suddenly I saw it all. I let her down gently. She didn’t work there much longer, though I really don’t recall whose choice it was.

  7. Her and I worked at Walmart together. We wound up on meal break at the same time one night. I was eating and she looked straight at me and said, “Can you make time stop?”. I was fucking oblivious. I had a crush on her but she was like 18/19 and I was 25/26.

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