So there’s this girl, who’s fairly popular and outgoing but she’s never seriously dated someone. Her and I kinda know each other, I mean we’ve been going to the same schools for 8 years now. We both are in some of the same friend groups, I pass by her often and see her outside of school at sports events and such but we’ve never hung out, we also have had a few classes together; we haven’t talked much though. But in the few conversations we’ve had I’ve fallen for her to the point where I can’t stop thinking about her. I tried to ask her to the homecoming dance last year but she had already been asked by another guy in her friend group. I would just ask her on a date but I don’t have her number and she doesn’t use social media. Now I’m worried I won’t see her again after graduation and that my last chance is prom but I already asked her once before. Would it be weird or desperate if I tried asking her again?

  1. Nah, ask her. It wont be weird since last time she already had someone and maybe its going to be the last time youre going to see her so there is nothing to lose. Good luck.

  2. You can ask her but it sounds like you two don’t really know each other at all. Outside of sharing mutual friends, there’s nothing connecting you two.

    When is prom? I would say ask her out on a date first. If she says no to a date, that’s lot better than getting told no for prom.

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