Tldr: I feel guilty and ashamed for getting a citation from a cop and getting into a minor car accident. What would you do to feel better?

Just as the title says, I’m having a hard time getting over this feeling of shame and sadness because I got in a small car accident. No one got hurt and both cars still work perfectly fine. I received my very first citation and I can either pay it or go to court to fight it.

How do you get over this feeling of guilt/shame/sadness?

  1. Number 1- pay it. Never get into the system if you don’t have to. Read the news and you will see why.
    Number 2- Understand that this is the first of many you will receive in your lifetime. Come to grips with the fact that we all get a ticket every now and again. It’s fine. I’ve received three and I’m a defensive driver. Mistakes happen.

  2. I’ve caused a minor fender bender before, and I felt embarrassed and frustrated at myself, totally common. Not trying to dismiss you, but I think feeling prolonged guilt and sadness over this, it’s not in proportion to the situation. It sounds like rumination which can be related to OCD.

    Try to sit with the feeling(s) and explore it. Maybe there’s something from your past it’s triggered a memory of? I’m not a mental health professional. I don’t think social skills is the best sub for advice on this. Maybe r/askatherapist or a mental health subreddit

  3. You are human and made a mistake. We all make mistakes. I know this is very cliche but it’s true.

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