Here’s the deal… I’m a younger guy in my 20s. About to finish grad school and move away from my college town to a pretty big city in a few months. I honestly can’t wait.. got a great job and am excited to meet new people.

These past few months I’ve been focusing on myself more. I was just kinda in that partying stage shit for a while in undergrad, got kinda chubby and really lost a lot of my confidence. Lately I’ve been taking my fitness and nutrition way more seriously and have really changed a lot in my life and gotten into great shape.

I’ve never been in a real relationship before. Some flings throughout high school and college but nothing id consider to be serious.

Any advice from the guys who date a lot/ get a lot of women? Anything that usually works with women that you’ve noticed?

I’m pretty outgoing usually, but around women sometimes I just blank on what to even talk to them about lol. Help me men of Reddit.

  1. “Getting” a lot of women will leave you with nothing except a broken heart and an STD.

    Meet a lot of women, date ones who share the same mindset on life and things that you do and don’t fuck people unless your sure you are in love with them. this advice is save you time and pain, unless your into making mistakes and learning that way.

  2. What I’m about to say is ***not going to be popular***, but it is the truth as I’ve seen it and as evidenced by society in the year of our Lord, 2023.

    Focus on yourself. I can’t emphasize that enough. There are going to be so many people, not just women or romantic interests, but *people* who try to take advantage of you in some way, shape or form. You need to make yourself the top priority in your life because no one else will.

    You teach others how to treat you. If you put up with bs, whether it’s an abusive gf or a shaddy boss, you’re going to set the tone. Why should anyone treat you better if there are no consequences for their actions? Why should a boss pay you anything more than the bare minimum they can get away with if you sell yourself that short? Same vibe.

    You need to walk a fine line between putting yourself out there enough where you aren’t socially inept or awkward, but not going out so much you expose yourself to dangers. Whether that’s STDs, crazy people, or just being your own worst enemy, there’s a such thing as *too much fun.*

    And if anyone claims that you got them pregnant, know that it’s possible it’s a trap. I can’t attest to whether it’s “common” or “uncommon” but it is a “well-known” thing that happens. Don’t trust pregnancy tests– they can, and are, bought and sold between crazy people to trap men. Don’t trust doctors that they see without you, as people are known to lie or call in favors. A vasectomy is your friend, but if you’re not willing to do that then double down on all the birth control you can.

    As a man, you’re going to be judged socially by your achievements and finances first and foremost, looks/behavior and such at a distant second. Keep working on yourself. Not just so that you can meet a woman but so you can keep her, and replace her if she turns out to be a psycho or you two just don’t vibe.

    Yes, I’m hyper aware this sounds like it was written by Andrew Tate. I stick by what I wrote. Even if this is downvoted into the 7th circle of Hell, u/Plus-Diamond-2028, I want you to know there is a lot of truth in this wall-o-text. I hope even some of it gets through to you. GL.

  3. Just use your right hand bro it’s way easier

    Find yourself some good porn vids then copy paste the links into your notes on your phone and hit those up whenever you’re feeling lonely

  4. I think too many people actually think online dating is the be all and end all nowadays because going outside to social places and being a socialable person at such events is too scary.

    So I guess just scrolling through a phone all day is their life and they wonder why they are single and friendless

    I answered your question. This wasn’t directed at you. More to some of the users on this subreddit who think dating apps are the only way.

  5. I no longer think about dating, at all. My motorcycle brings me much more joy than trying to date ever did.

  6. I’m two months into being 30.

    Personally, I saw no point in dating at 23/24. I stopped dating at 27. I’ve been far happier, healthier and my pockets haven’t looked better. All the while sitting back and just watching the train wreck that I used to want to be a part of. With that said I’m staying away indefinitely.

    I say that to say, do what you feel is best, I suggest working on you and focusing on you. Learn about self love, get your money up, find some fun hobbies to lose yourself in and enjoy life. We are all different, you may get lonely and want a partner, if you decide to date go into it with the mindset that it’ll just be an addition to your awesome life. But, do understand what’s out there, don’t be oblivious to what you may be subjecting yourself to and move forward carefully.

    Good luck and do what you feel is best for your life.

  7. Dating now as a man, you should be very very careful. We live in this toxic and hostile cancel culture. You are in your 20s, which means you your life is just getting started, majority of men, usually starts to peak after 30 or in their 30s.

    Just Watch out of today woman. Especially if they try to baby trap you and get something out of you.

    If a woman decide to say bad word about you, just because of jealousy or spite, you will get cancelled and your life will be so ruined.

  8. Guys who get a lot of women are good looking. You probably don’t want to take advice from good looking people because they literally just have to exist to get women. You want to take advice from people who don’t get a lot of attention from women but still successfully manage to go on consistent dates with women.

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