My coworker and I have been work friends for about a year. He started working there after he broke up with his long term gf of 9 years, so around march of last year. I had ended my relationship with my ex of 6 years about a year ago. So we first kinda connected over how similar our situations were. We started hanging out and hooking up around december of 2022. Everything was going great. We got along great, never argued and even went on a weekend getaway. He was the one that about a week or so into hanging out asked “what are we doing” and told me he “liked me a lot”. Well that initially kinda scared me cause it was so soon and I wasn’t ready for a full blown relationship yet. I told him I liked him too because I did but i’m okay with taking things slow and whatever happens, happens. I wasn’t closed off to anything. We continued hanging out and getting to know each other and once again everything seemed great. I mean we were texting good morning every day up until this past weekend he read my text on sunday and never replied. Didn’t say good morning on monday like he usually does, I gave him the benefit of the doubt it was only one day and he could’ve just been super busy or tired. I texted him monday night and he seemed short with me so I ended the conversation by saying goodnight. I didn’t hear anything from him tuesday, wednesday, or thursday. Which isn’t usually a big deal but we have been texting everyday since December. Obviously something was off. I also was worried about him because he struggles with depression and anxiety as do I. So I texted him on thursday night and asked him what was up? I basically just said correct me if i’m wrong but my intuition is usually pretty good and I feel like something’s off, is everything okay? He then proceeds to text me and tell me he’s been really depressed and sheltering himself. That he’s not ready for a relationship (even though I wasn’t asking for one). He said we can still hangout if i’d like but he needs to take a step back and focus on his priorities. It’s weird cause he was the one that first initiated the “what are we” conversation. But I was super understanding and told him I struggle with the same things and if he needs anyone to talk to i’m here for him. I haven’t contacted him since that, but he still sends me random tiktok’s and looks at my snap story. The brief time i’ve seen him at work he does look extremely tired and wore out. I just don’t know if he still genuinely likes me and wants space or if he’s taking to someone else. I usually wouldn’t jump to that conclusion right away but this is like night and day to how he was acting. So something had to of drastically changed. I really did like him and this just came out of nowhere cause if he’s feeling overwhelmed with the way this relationship was going why did it take me reaching out for him to tell me that. I kinda thought too that when he said we can still hangout that he wanted to be FWB but the nature of our relationship was never inherently sexual so I don’t think that’s it. I’m just confused. Help

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