
So, I know only in a world full of hatred and spite would we all ignore/hate our exes and it’s not a healthy end to a relationship. I myself is on talking terms with one of my two exes.

But this felt… different?

My fiancé (28M) and I (22F) have been together for 4 years spanning 2018 – currently, and he has had a previous fiancé (nothing against the girl, she’s quite lovely) and they had gone out for a total of 6 years. Due to university and an ex that occurred after 1st fiancé, my partner changed his Facebook account and deleted his old one (this is important I promise)

He dated the ex fiancé between 2010 – 2016 with gaps in between. He deleted his first account in 2016. Opened his second one around 2017. distinctly different names and the old one is completely gone off fb forever.

Ex fiancé has had the same account the entire time.

My friend calls me saying ex fiancé had sent her a friend request and she was gonna accept until she saw something. My partner had (with his new account) liked an old picture of her from around 2013. As if he’d gone looking for it. Friend said you had to scroll really far back to see it too, she admitted to having a nosy on the poor girls fb page which I’ve already told her off for.

What the heck would somebody do now, in my position?

TL;DR: partner using recently opened fb account to like exes photos from 8 years ago?

  1. I don’t agree with everyone who’s like “he belongs to the streets.” He liked a photo of his e, he didn’t sleep with his ex. What do you think? If you’re about to marry this guy but you’re still (or your friend, rather) stalking his SM looking for what he’s doing, maybe you don’t fully trust him. Are there other reasons you doubt your relationship with him, or his commitment to you?

  2. Seriously, just ask him.

    He may have been reminiscing on old times. Planning to get married to someone is a huge deal and for a relationship to end like that can take a tole on someone. I have exe who I was going to marry and we were best friends since we were 13 and honestly I would probably do the same even though I know I have no intention of being with him again. He is still one of my best friends and I like to think back on our time together, I also still support him as a friend so I would see it has reminiscing and being friendly.

    Please just ask him and see how he response.

  3. Geez people are always so quick to recommend a break up when they arent the ones holding the consequences.

    Big picture here. Do you trust him? Is he good to you? Do you have open communication? Do you feel like you can talk to each other about anything? Is he respectful and kind to you?

    Because honestly? Liking a photo of an ex isn’t a big thing. Even scrolling back through a few years to see how they’ve done since you were together.. isn’t a big thing.

    As for what I’d do.. I’d talk to him. I’d explain that it’s made me feel a little insecure and ask where his head was at with it all. If you guys have a good, solid relationship then you’ll be able to figure it out together. If you don’t, then you probably shouldn’t be together anyway.

  4. This man was in his mid twenties when he met you, a *teen*
    I stopped reading after realizing he groomed a teenager
    (We all know 18 yr olds and mid twenties are at entirely different stages of life so I don’t want to hear “bUt iT wAs lEgAl”)

  5. It sounds feasible that he liked that picture back in 2017 when he reopened the account and didn’t know you right?

    I think you might be finding smoke where there’s no fire.

  6. This reddit really has a thing for telling people to break up.

    As for the OP the only thing you can do is have it out with him. I’d also keep a close eye on him in the near future.

  7. I have a feeling this can be resolved with just a talk. Definitely weird, but it doesn’t sound inherently unhealthy.

  8. Would you date an 18 year old right now? What about in 2 years? There’s a reason he went for someone so young

  9. He doesn’t sound like he is over her. Confront him about. But honestly I think you should revaluate your relationship with him.

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