This is going to be long, but I hope you stay with me till the end. I need your advice.

Last year, I met this guy on a dating site, and he was everything I thought I was looking for. We have a few mutual friends in common, so figured there was accountability.

On our second date, we spoke for 9 hours, getting to know each other. He brought me a cake to celebrate my birthday. He took me away for my graduation party. He told me he was moving to the city to be closer to me. We talked about getting married and having kids. He introduced me to his friends. He told me I was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. We did so much together that I finally thought I finally got to leave this shitty dating scene.

After three months of dating, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I mean, I was elated, I liked this guy, and a month later, he told me he loved me. Unprovoked, while we were watching a tv show on a random Saturday. This was all within 4months of dating. I was so happy.

I had my suspicions that something fishy was going on. It was too good to be true. When we would hang out, it would be great. We got lost in each other, spending hours talking about everything. When we were apart, he was distant. When I called, he wouldn’t pick up but would call me only after a couple of hours. Sometimes we would make plans, but he would cancel last minute, saying he wasn’t feeling too well or that he got caught up with work. I used to joke, saying he had another family, and he dismissed it, saying that, that could never be him.

Whenever I raised concerns, he would tell me he loved me and that my insecurities from my past relationships were getting the best of me. I believed him. We had a connection, and I had fallen in love.

One day, I got frustrated with this behaviour, and I told him I was done and that it made me too anxious. He said okay, and that was the end of it. After 1 week of missing him, I reached out but he ignored me. I tried for 2 weeks and nothing. He ignored my calls, not even reaching out to tell me to stop calling. I was devastated. I mean I broke it off, so I should understand and move on.

I later found out, after I had found a way to get in touch with him, that he was seeing someone else. She called me, telling me he had said to her that I was just a friend that he met, who he dated but didn’t want to leave him alone. He met her during the same time he met me. He would hang out with her, telling me he was with co-workers. He would walk with her, telling me he enjoyed spending time with himself. Instead, he was getting to know her. He told me he was travelling with friends,but he was planning a trip with her. All the while telling me, he wished I was coming on the trip with him.

When I found out, I was mad. I blocked him and told him I never wanted to see him again. I lashed out and spray painted his car.

Fast ward, 3 months later, with tears and anger. I told him I missed him. I told him I forgave him and wanted to try again cause I loved him. I know, stupid me.

At first, everything was great. He reassured me he would never do it again and that he cared about me so much. He said he was sorry, and he forgave me. I believed him. I know, stupid me.

Recently, I did something silly. I stalked him on the gram and found out that he added a girl. In my paranoia, I contacted her from an fake instar account and asked if they were dating. She reached out to him, and I was exposed. I felt stupid cause I let my insecurity get the best of me. He confronted me, and he was furious. Saying if I never trusted him, this was never going to work. I gave in, apologized and made it up to him.

Ever since then, he has been acting weird. One-word answers when we talk. He doesn’t initiate us hanging out together. He says he is busy. He only wants to hang out at night. I am so confused.

Is there any hope for this relationship? Am I delusional for thinking we would ever work out or that he loves me? Help! How do I get over him and move on?

1 comment
  1. Oh you poor thing. This man is emotionally abusive and manipulative and I really would recommend talking to a therapist about this if you can and moving on from him xoxoox you deserve better than all this panic. Love is calm and securing x

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