Hi folks! I’ll (19m) cut to the chase my girlfriend (19f) and I are planning on going away in July to Turkey. We have our budget at £1400 for this trip (including accommodation, food, activities etc.) and she’s been starting to annoy me by wanting to change locations to somewhere cheaper we went from staying in a good hotel as an offer was ongoing where we got a good amount off which was from 700 to 625 for 7 nights (all inclusive as well) too now a hostel where we are sharing a room with 6 other people…

every time we’ve agreed on a place she’s changed it last minute to something cheaper. I told her I have no problem with paying more on my end if we can actually have a good place to stay and have a good nights sleep and some food, she also complained about having an all inclusive holiday because “that’s what old people do” please reddit help a guy out how can I make her see that we don’t need to spend less money when there’s a perfectly good offer which covers; accommodation, food, flights and transport for less than £100 a night what do I tell her and how do I break through to her and convince her that the offer is good.


TL;DR Girlfriend keeps on trying to go REALLY cheap on our holiday when our budget is £1400 and there is an offer that will cover everything for almost half of that.

  1. Honestly, I would sit her down and ask why she is so adamant about cutting back. Has she always been frugal? What is her financial situation now, and what was it like growing up? You don’t have to answer for my sake or anything. But they are things to consider because they very well may have an impact on her behavior regarding this trip.
    It could even be as simple as her feeling bad about you spending too much on her or something like that. Some people can get self-conscious about that kind of thing.

    Once you get to the bottom of “why”, I would explain to her that you want this trip to be unique and memorable for BOTH of you. Explain what you’re looking for, and tell her that you’re willing to meet in the middle, but since this is for both of you, you’d appreciate it if she would discuss changes with you before committing to them outright. You deserve to enjoy the trip too!

  2. This is your vacation too. If you don’t want to stay in a hostel, then don’t. You can stay in a cheaper hotel as a compromise.

    Plenty of people do all inclusives, not because they are “old” but maybe they don’t want to have to work that hard on a *vacation*; they don’t want to deal with sharing a toilet with 6 strangers and dealing with having to figure *everything* out from scratch, especially if you’ve never visited a place before or you’re not experienced travellers.

    There’s room for compromise somewhere between sharing a room with 6 other people and staying in a pensioner’s hotel. This is good opportunity to see how well you problem solve as a couple.

  3. If you’re not able to sit down and say “let’s finalize our travel arrangements”, you’re not ready to travel together.

    In the end, if y’all can come to some agreement … do you *really* want to travel together?

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