So I’ve been seeing this girl for about 3 months now and everything has been going pretty well.

I’m starting to get into the stage where I’m massively overthinking things and maybe reading too much into messages –

I think I may have came across too needy with my last message.

Basically we were supposed to go on a date today and she cancelled this morning saying she’s had a really rough week and needs some time to herself.

The exchange was this –

*Her: Heyy, Im really sorry but is it cool if we meet another day instead? I’ve been having a bit of a rubbish week and im not really up for socialising. Sorry to cancel so last minute! x*

*Me: Hey, yeah no stress! Lemme know when you’re feeling bit better 🙂 hope you’re all good x*

*Her: Thanks!! Yeah just feel v off key this week and need some down time / time off drinking*

*Me:Yeah totally understand, hope you’re not feeling too shitty anyways! If you wanna hang out this week at all let me know :)*

Starting to really overthink that maybe I’ve came across needy here??

Any advice would be much appreciated!

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