So I am dating this guy for 4 months now. We don’t live in the same city but close enough to see each other on weekends. Yesterday we were sexting, while we both masturbate. So after he came, he said “now that am satisfied I can go to bed.” And disappeared. I was disappointed and hurt that he didn’t even ask if came or not.
Am I overreacting here? Or is he being selfish?

EDIT: Thanks for taking the time to comment. Also, I was thinking of talking to him this weekend. I’ll not let him touch me anymore until he proves he cares for me

  1. Ridiculously selfish and inconsiderate, also just bad sex etiquette. If he doesn’t care now, he won’t care if you link up in person.

  2. I think everyone has already made the main valid points.

    I can only go by my experience with toxic men. People are on their best behavior at the beginning of a relationship. If that is how he is acting now, then you can pretty much assume it will get worse from there. I think he is taking some of the much needed attention you could be putting towards finding someone else.

    You shouldn’t have to question whether they care or not. Throughout the relationship, but especially the beginning. It’s always far better to be single then with someone that makes you like you and your feelings aren’t important. You just have to ask yourself if it’s a relationship that’s worth it.

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