Anybody else sort of go on autopilot and say the total wrong things when you are getting anxious? Earlier today I was meeting some new people and said how’s it going, then they said nice to meet you when I expected a good, you? And I just said Good. And I feel so dumb and incompetent now it hurts.

Any tips on how to avoid this kind of thing? I work in a job where I work with the public so I’m meeting and talking with a lot of random people each day, basically all interactions go the same. But occasionally when they go off of the sort of “script” I have in my head I just carry it on anyway and it makes me feel so dumb then I’m stuck in my head and it just sucks.

  1. Also tips on how to feel better when things like these do happen. I’m stuck ruminating about it and feeling so embarrassed and I hate it.

  2. First of all you want to get your anxiety checked with a therapist.

    Second, if you are autopiloting it shows you aren’t actually focusing on what the other person is saying. Next time concentrate and listen to what is being said, then respond appropriately.

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