What made you stop overthinking about everything and just go for what you want or ask out the people you like?

  1. “What’s meant for you will never pass you by.”

    “In the end, we only regret the chances we did not take.”

    My mantra everytime I overthink and scared to take a leap of faith.

  2. I still overthink way too much and it sucks. But it did help to make my main goal having an experience in the moment rather than getting a certain outcome/being perfect. And take an action instead of letting myself to think for too long. For example when I hesitate to text a guy, I force myself to do it and I think “let’s see how this will go” and not “I wonder if he will like me / if this sounds cool / what will happen next.”

    Of course it’s easier to do for things like texting. Going on a date or confronting a loved one is a whole different story :-/

  3. I just think about what I want to do then figure out what are the outcomes of it. Once I have an idea regarding the possible outcomes, I ask myself – “What’s the worse that could happen? They say no? I look stupid? Will that cause me to spontaneously combust? Will the world end if it doesn’t work out?”

    Most of the time, the answers for all those questions are NO. So, I just go ahead and do it.

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