This is the place to put any shower thoughts, your complaints/rants about dating, ask for quick advice, serious and (sometimes not) questions and anything else that might not warrant a post of its own.

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  1. I feel like OLD has gotten way worse?!? I (36F) have been off OLD for two years, and have only been back a few weeks. I was in a relationship and then took some time for some healing. I live in a large city in the US. There were challenges before, but it feels like now 95% of the messages and likes that I get are from creeps. I’m getting minimal effort back when I try.

  2. Things I’ve learned after 5 days on bumble:
    – everyone is a “single dog dad”

    – so many people are in an ~ethically nonmonogamous marriage~, or at least say they are

    – people are still very into broadcasting how sarcastic they are, not taking themselves seriously (and wanting someone who does the same), and “cuddling”

  3. Question guys. What was the earliest you told a date you love them or they told you that they love you? What was the outcome?

  4. This weekend I spent time as an alien. Saw the same girl twice. Who knows why. It just worked out that way. I’m an absolute alien to her but let’s see if she likes aliens. And let’s see how long I can take being gawked at like one.

    Not sure why my experience that I’m enthused and excited about is being downvoted but so be it haha.

  5. He replied “I don’t want to give the impression of wanting a relationship or marriage” …..
    I just asked if he’d like to meet in person after lengthy message exchanges 🫠
    Is my perception off? Do people not meet up to figure out if texting translates the same in person. Or can someone add an option for seeking penpal or seeking attention only to these apps ☹️

  6. It’s been about a week since the guy I was seeing rejected me over text *after* our third date. We got along really well and there wasn’t any sense of him pulling away, so I felt completely blindsided. Tbh, I thought I was heartbroken, but I’m actually okay! I took the time to process the loss of this connection by writing down my thoughts and talking it out with my best friends. I’m annoyed that I wasn’t given the chance to express how I felt. However, I realized that if he didn’t have the guts to have difficult conversations in person, he wasn’t worth it.

    It does suck that I’m back to square one, but I know the right person is out there somewhere!

  7. Second date tonight and I’m excited to kiss her again.

    My landlord was supposed to be out at band tonight, but turns out he’s picked up an extra work-from-home shift. Hopefully my date won’t be too disappointed that he’s home for our date and that we don’t have an empty house like we thought.

    I’m cooking for her and we’re gonna play Mario Kart.

  8. If I meet one more person who claims they are looking for a relationship but not over their ex yet. 🙃

  9. In my feels today. Only been a week and a bit but for some reason really hitting me hard today. I don’t know WHY it is hitting this hard. I barely knew the guy and I keep looking up all of those cringe youtube videos from dating coaches.

    I can’t date right now either and go out, too much life stuff so I can’t do my usual stuff other than run (which I limit to 3x weekly because of injuries).


  10. When dating or in a new relationship, how often are you seeing them? Is every weekend not common? Too much, or too little?

  11. Things with my partner are still amazing. By this point I’m both not surprised at how easy and well it’s all going since we have now developed a proper track record of being there for each other no matter what, but also can’t really believe it’s actually this easy. Still feels too good to be true. It’s this constant wow at how much of a perfect match we are for each other. It’s been pure bliss.

    I had friends over on Boxing Day and two of them had seen a performance in London, said it was mind blowing, amazing, beyond good, went on and on about it, and that there were discounted tickets for February so we all got them. I got a ticket for partner and myself.

    They raved about it so much so we were both rather excited to go. It’s an interactive dance/play/performance art piece where you walk around a maze with a mask, and things happen all around you. At the very first part of it, the performers separated me from my friends and my partner, and I was walking around alone to experience the thing. Which is actually the way they rec omens ‘separate from your loved ones, explore by yourself.’

    So I did. And…. I hated it. It was so irritating and annoying. I couldn’t stand the super slow pace of the actors movements, and it was so fragmented, just couldn’t get into it at all.

    I walked around for about an hour and a half, trying to find my partner and my friends, but although I’ve seen all my friends, each by themselves, they were loving it. I was actually getting worried partner is going to think it’s amazing like my friends.

    When we did end up finding each other I was weirdly relived to find out he hated it as well. He was saying he was walking around looking for me, same as me, and getting worried I might be loving it. Same as me. It became way more fun once we found each other, since we were able to poke fun at it together, make it into a massive playground and ignore the ‘show’. We both loved the lighting and set design, loved the anonymous aspect of the masks and darkness of the maze.

    There’s such a relief in this person seeing the world the way I do. Especially when other people who’s opinion I respect were so amazed by it all. The fact that we, separately, had the same experience was somehow ‘yes, this is another confirmation this is my person.’ I find it funny how much of a bonding experience it was to not like something together that everyone else said was great – while normally people bond over things they like together. Which we have as well, but this was different. Very funny.

    Humans are weird.

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