Confused by this guys actions

I’ve been seeing a new guy for about 3 weeks now (we’ve been on 3 dates) and I really like him! However, he doesn’t really seem to initiate physical contact (like kissing and things like that). He pecked me on our second date, and after our third date I invited him over to my place to hang out. During the entire time he was there he didn’t initiate a kiss or anything, but when I went to kiss him he reciprocated (and we made out for about an hour). He didn’t try to take it any further than just kissing/touching which I’m not used to with guys tbh. I’m worried he could not be attracted to me or something like that.
He told me as he was leaving that he had a good time and wanted to see me again but I Wanted to get some guys opinions on this. I’m not sure if he’s just shy or there’s something more

Tl,Dr: new guy I’m dating isn’t initiating physical contact

  1. Three dates is too soon for some people to be doing any more than kissing, everyone goes at their own pace. He might prefer not to be the one to initiate, he might not feel ready to do nah more until he gets to know you better, there’s a lot of valid possibilities.

  2. he’s respectful. he doesn’t want to make a wrong move. when i first kissed my wife and she was sitting on my lap, i asked permission if i can grab her boobs. then i asked again if i can put my hands inside her bra. then i asked again when i want to put my hands inside her pants to grab her ass.

    i suggest you lead. when you kissed probably stop a bit and ask him to touch your boobs if that’s what you want. frame it as a favour “can you play with my boobs?/can you suck my nipples? i really like it if you’re ok with that.”

    there’s always a chance he’s not ready. in that case you won’t feel that bad. if you grab his hand and put it on your boob and he pulled it, you might feel more rejected.

    or you can talk about intimacy before you start all this so you know how far he’s comfortable with sexual stuff.

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