Long story short: I posted a picture on my IG story of a friend and myself. He didn’t like that so now he’s hella mad at me.

Details: We went to the gym Friday night. When finished, we took progress pictures. I have a fitness account on IG so I always post progress pictures. That’s the whole point of the page. After him seeing that I posted it he called me telling me to take it off my story and he was freaking out asking how many people saw it. I personally don’t see why it’s such a big deal. He was mostly dressed, just topless. He’s treating it like I posted his nudes or something though.

Nonetheless, he’s mad at me. I can’t really do anything about it, it already happened so his anger feels unnecessary and dramatic.

  1. You posted a topless pic of him on a public social media page. By the sound of it, without his consent. And you’re surprised he’s annoyed? Best you can do is tell him you’re sincerely sorry and it was a silly mistake, you didn’t think that he may not feel the same as you about having such a pic posted online.

  2. Yes. It’s awful. Remove the pic. Cut him out of it. You should’ve asked him permission first.

  3. Every people have right to their privacy. Some people keeps their life separate from social media. They prefer no personal photos of themselves or their families be on platform. You have to respect his views.

  4. I can understand if it was just a solo pic of him…. “Group” pic that’s not an intimate one? Dude is over reacting imo. What the hell does he think people do with pics like that? Don’t want your picture possibly shared don’t take pictures with people

  5. You’re the asshole here. Apologize to your friend.

    “It’s already in the past, so he shouldn’t be angry anymore” wtf kind of bullshit attitude is this?

  6. It doesn’t matter, you don’t need a reason to NOT post a picture of someone. If he doesn’t want it up don’t post it…

  7. I’ve ended friendships over stuff like this, so it totally makes sense. You don’t have a right to post anyone’s face on the internet other than you.


    Take it down.

  8. You posted pictures of your friend without asking. He’s upset. You’re trying to say he shouldn’t be angry because you did something he didn’t want and doesn’t like.

    You’re a shitty friend.

  9. Since when exactly was it ever ok to post pictures of other people on your acvount without their permission?

  10. Dude doesn’t want his picture up. Take it down and don’t do that shit again. His face, his body, his privacy, his choice.

    Next time ask before you post someone else on your shit.

  11. You took a picture without his consent, you have no right. He’s in the right. If this were r/AITA you most definitely would be the asshole. You want to post yourself, that’s fine, but someone else? No.

  12. As a fat guy with insecurities, I’d be pissed if someone posted a picture of me without a shirt, so yes, he’s right to be pissed.

  13. Why would you think its ok to post pictures of people without consent. If he wanted his pictures up I’m sure he would have posted it himself. How do you see nothing wrong with this?

  14. It baffles me how oblivious you are. It’s even more obvious in your obnoxious replies. Your ego is going to be your downfall and you’re going to lose important people in your life. If you even care about that

  15. I’m willing to bet you don’t have a single true friend with the kind of attitude you’ve shown here.

  16. I used to get annoyed when my friend posted photos of me drunk because we had alot of mutual friends who may be judging me. Perhaps your friend feels the same way about these gym pics. He doesn’t want to be judged by your mutual friends.

  17. It isn’t awful, per se.

    But you should always ask for people’s permission before posting any pictures of them, especially if they can be identified from the picture. It’s a sign of courtesy and respect.

    You don’t have to fully understand it. You just have to respect it.

  18. >it already happened so his anger feels unnecessary and dramatic.

    This is a terrible attitude. Your friend is straight up telling you he does not consent to being posted on your fitness page and you’re ignoring his complaint and calling him dramatic just because posting is something you enjoy. That’s not an example of respect or good friendship. If you’re actually a good friend, you’ll delete it and apologize regardless of whether you agree with his perspective or not.

  19. You don’t post someone unless they consent to it.

    1.) Regardless of if someone posted you without their permission, doesn’t mean you go ahead and do it. If you never heard of the jumping off the bridge analogy or can comprehend it then you definitely got bigger problems outside of the GYM that you should touch up on.

    2.) Them not consenting to a single thing doesn’t automatically deem you guys as incompatible friends. That’s called not respecting someone’s boundaries and getting mad because they aren’t okay with something.

  20. Yeah cos the guy didn’t want to be posted.
    And why are you even asking the question if you’re jist gonna disagree and argue back with every response.

  21. He has every right to be angry. Ask for consent before posting other people’s photo. Especially one that might show too much skin than they are comfortable with. If they ask you to take it down, apologise and do it.

  22. After reading your comments your essentially saying: He got mad, I don’t see what the big deal is, I took down the picture, he’s still mad, maybe we’re not a good fit.

    You obviously aren’t getting it no matter how many people are giving you reasons. You don’t care nor are you actually trying to understand.

    You got your answer – you were in the wrong. Not only that, you were in the wrong 100% and your attitude about it even after makes you a fucking prick.

    Go your own separate way, you’d be doing him a favor.

  23. OP asked a question hoping for internet validation from strangers and hoping he could get off by putting a friend on blast. OP got the opposite but all the downvotes and comments in the world and he still digs in to deflect blame so he can claim to be the aggrieved party here (while he is shitting about a “friend”) online. He sounds insufferable and a terrible match as a friend for any decent human being. Being fit clearly doesn’t equal being emotionally mature.

  24. Yes. Post your pics only. Takes photos or videos when noone is around or with friends, still ask them if they are okey with it.

  25. I’ve seen questions of yours before in this sub, and you are either a god-level troll, or an absolute garbage fire of a person.

  26. You should’ve asked him, or at least told him where the pictures were going. Even if he knows about the acc on ig, which clearly he does, you can’t assume those things.

    People are self concious about their body. Even if he looks good, there’s things he doesn’t like about himself. He deserves the right to decide what people see of him, and an intimate shirtless photo is not something everyone wants to share.

    I keep photos for myself, I don’t post them. I’d be upset if someone did post me, but not too worried. I just think you need permission for stuff like that.

  27. Your lack of empathy for your friend is obvious through your post and comments. Maybe you took the photo down, but you still have no idea why.

  28. It’s not about the progress pics, it’s that you posted his pics without his consent. Some folks don’t want to be on social media. You can post your own pics all you want – he has the right to ask that you take down his.

  29. You didn’t do anything wrong initially. Taking a picture with someone in 2023, the assumption is they won’t mind it being on social media. But your friend is different and once he lets you know he doesn’t want it up there, it’s on you to remove it and apologize. You didn’t mean to upset him, but you did. Just take it down and a “My bad, I was proud of your progress, I didn’t think you would mind. But in the future I’ll make sure to check with you before I post pics of us.” And then keep it moving.

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