So, my best friend I knew since the 5th grade fucked my ex only a couple of weeks after we broke up. I had no idea until a few months later after we had been back together for a couple of months. I had obviously hung out with both of them after they had gotten together and they never said anything to me.

For two months I was back with my ex until she said she had slept with my best friend multiple times mostly when they were drunk she said. The glaring detail from this is that she apparently had feelings for him before we started dating and she never said a thing about that for almost 5 years.

My ex and I have reached a point where it seems we won’t be getting back together, but probably staying friends. Do I extend an olive branch to my former friend after not replying him for 5 months?

I think it’s important to pose this question because others in the friend group have already forgiven him. I only have a few friends outside of this group and used to talk to him every day as a roommate and best friend.

This is the text he sent me a week after I found out he slept with my ex… I never replied.

“Hey man, I know I’m the last person you want to hear from right now, but I wanted to express how sorry I am and how bad I feel for what I did. I completely fucked you over as your friend, and it’s something I won’t forgive myself for and wouldn’t expect you to either, I know I wouldn’t. After telling you that you had nothing to worry about, I straight up went back on my word and I’m disgusted in myself for that. Every day since it first started I have felt so guilty and didn’t know how to handle it, and handled it about as poorly as I could. I’m still wrapping my head around how I could have done this to you. I expect you to hate me, not want to see me again, and never talk to me again and I deserve it.
But if you ever wanted to talk in person I will be open to it. I’m honestly just so sorry for putting you through this”

TL:DR: My best friend slept with my ex of almost 5 years, multiple times but now we are platonic. Do I forgive my best friend or fuck them both?

  1. Drop them. You don’t need friends checking out your girl thinking “oh I’d fuck that” then do it. My best guess they prob had sex when y’all were dating too. That my dude is not a friend.

  2. No you dont. This guy has no integrity. Those are just words from him. He fucked your girl MULTIPLE TIMES and didnt have the decency to tell you when you guys got back together.

  3. No, you don’t extend an olive branch. But you should cut your ex out as well.

    And probably cut the friends who have forgiven him as well, as their loyalty as friends is to him not you.

  4. Sometimes, a refresh on your social circle can make all the difference. If at all reasonable, move on, make better friends

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