Why did you leave stuff at a woman’s house and not go back for it?

  1. Things ended badly and I figured it was better to just move on.

    Besides, she liked the stuff I left there so I know she’d have been fine with me leaving it.

  2. Not worth the aggravation.That relationship was over and it was just a bluetooth speaker worth maybe $100.

  3. I forgot my phone charger at my mom’s house. She lives too far away to just go get it so I used one of my many backup chargers until I visited her last.

  4. Because its socially unacceptable to pee in peoples houses so we have to leave our scent some other way.

  5. It was a library book. Got assaulted and figured GTFO was better than avoiding the overdue fees.

    I’m still salty that she didn’t just return it.

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