**I’m 25 right now and I’m honestly stuck on which path to take within \~2 years.**

I’m working full-time entry-level at \~70k/year right now, but I should be able to move to six figures fast within two years’ time. Ideally, even way higher as I job hop, negotiate, and work in a US job remotely.

I’ve been sheltered and lived with my religious family (I’m an agnostic atheist) my whole life. I lived for maybe like 8 months with a sibling close to my university just to try it out and that’s it. I just isolated myself though for most of it.

Basically, if my life was a stock, career and finances are booming, and social stock has crashed. Zero friends besides a once in a blue moon hang-out.

In terms of friends, it MAY or may not lead anywhere even if I live alone. In fact, while I will make the effort & work towards curating my social life, I’m being realistic and not expecting anything.

**So here are my options by the time I’m 27. Either:**

**(1) Choose to stay home & Rent out a Condo:** Save up for another year of work (by 28) then buy a cheaper condo (150-200k) as real estate & rent it out while continuing to live with family & saving up. Focus on work, finances, staying social with family & that’s it. I’ve lived like this my whole life anyways.

**Pros:** Likely more money faster (condo plus money saved on rent).

**Cons:** Stunted growth, Less chances with social life, Staying in my bubble.

**(2) Move out and rent a place:** Moving to the US for potentially better pay by being there “in-person”, renting a place, and aiming to move somewhere that gives me the best chances of curating a good social life with people who match my personality and with less family influence (religious).

**Pros:** Potentially better chances with social life, room for growth & being fully responsible for myself (and would still have that family social net if shit hits the fan for whatever reason).

**Cons:** Money lost on rent costs (unless working in-person in the US can offset those costs), Less money and/or energy to invest (since I’d be focused on surviving), and Family social net lessened.

**(3) Buy a Condo, Live in it & Maybe Rent it out Later:** Save up for another year of work (by 28) then buy a cheaper condo (150-200k) as real estate & choosing to live in it for however long I want. I can then decide to continue staying, move back home, or live somewhere else while renting it out.

**Pros:** Good money made potentially but less than choosing to stay home, Family is close by (parents, and married siblings who live maybe 1-2 hours away), Slightly better chances with social life (but it’s an hour away from home at most so still many considerations).

**Cons:** It’s a middle ground of everything (which could be a good thing but also means it’s not as much of a fresh start and there are still limitations and less odds of social success but it does give more breathing room), Money lost on utilities & Wouldn’t be getting like $500 profit per month from rent.

**I’m totally lost on which path to take and feel like outside advice could be helpful.** I feel more mature and now I’m getting my shit together more as well (consistent job with better pay, eating healthier and portioning, managing my finances better, taking charge of certain issues or things that need to be fixed at the home, and getting my last license since I can drive but just not in highways).

But, like I mentioned, I feel like my growth has been stunted from living at home and I’m concerned about the long-term impact of doing so. Additionally, I feel that curating a long-term community, and social life will be constrained as well. Not to say that my family isn’t great and I haven’t met people through them, but it’s mainly putting on that “religious son” mask, rather than being true to myself.

I feel like I lack the experience to decide whether it’s worthwhile to seriously pursue marriage or certain types of social circles. I don’t know how far my introvertedness goes and I also want to test my own sanity and groundedness without the ability to have family and everything read for me most of the time without working for it. Like a social life, house responsibilities dealt with etc.

**TLDR; I’m 25, been sheltered and at a cross-road of three options to take within the next two years or so. Choose to stay home while renting out a condo, Moving out and renting a place, or buying a Condo & living in it then Renting it out later maybe.**

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