The current one is suboptimal for social engineering, so I’m thinking of figuring out how to fake possessing valuable traits for the process. For example, gregariousness (as opposed to currently exuding indifference) would promote social networking. Obviously, in reality, I’m an introvert, so it’s simply about acquiring assets, and it might also make sense to come up with stuff that would justify such behavior: “I’m gregarious because I’ve always enjoyed assisting others (some fake backstory).” VS “I’m gregarious because you could benefit me.”

Another benefit of this would be further improving my theory of mind (I’m young so trying to max out my neuroplasticity potential), and the fact that I have few avenues for relating to people (e.g., my past was tragic and ppl don’t like to hear about unpleasant stuff)

1 comment
  1. Why not just acquire the traits? For example, I’m constantly showing off my Fake Table Manners.

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