I met a girl through a meetup event a few months ago. At first we chatted through a meetup app, but then we moved to texting (she gave me her number). There seemed to be chemistry. We’ve gone out as part of a larger group several times since.

At one point, we were discussing online dating, the struggles, etc.… When she casually mentioned that maybe we could grab a beer sometimes & swap stories. I (jokingly) agreed, though didn’t set down a hard date/time/place. A few days later, she mentioned she had an exam the next day; I suggested (lightheadedly) that she should let me take her out for margaritas after, to celebrate & what not (she has mentioned it was ‘National margarita day’ earlier that week, so I figured it was good enough route to take). She joked that I didn’t like margaritas (inside joke), I countered that I’d just have a beer. We did go out as a group that night & it wasn’t mentioned, though we did chat about other things. This was a few days ago.

I’m trying to get away from over-analyzing text messages and all that, but still wondering… should I bring this topic up again later in conversation/text, or hold off until she mentions it?

Edit: I’m 34 male, I’m pretty sure she’s in her 30’s as well.

1 comment
  1. Ask her on a proper date i.e. between the two of you (you don’t have to call it a “date” explicitly when you ask her, just make it between the two of you only). She already did it, which is a sign of high interest from a woman! Ask her out on a date to a specific place at a specific time and see how she responds.

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