TL;DR: Is a Hot/Cold relationship salvageable or am I wasting time?

Hi reddit. Need some help here.

Recently divorced, and met a girl a few months ago. She was amazing and we had very very much in common… this wasn’t just mirroring. We met doing a similar hobby. She worked in the same field as me. Financially stable, also divorced. Great body, super into fitness. Sexy, pretty, great sex. You’d really wonder why she is single. She chased me more than I chased her, and I fell for her. We really developed an amazing connection. She told me how special I was, so different, the perfect man for her, shes never felt this way, etc. I reciprocated the feelings, and I really felt that way. She is awesome when shes normal.

The problem is she has severe anxiety and also insomnia. She is on a cocktail of drugs.. takes an antianxiety, uses hydroxyzine to sleep, along with zzzquil and marijuana. She has to sleep on her sofa instead of the bed. She says she feels safer there.. so we cannot sleep together on nights that I stay over. But even worse, every time we stay together, she doesn’t sleep well, and wakes up with severe anxiety and ends the relationship. She says that she doesn’t feel safe in the relationship and has to end it.

I eventually realized that it had more to do with having a great night together and having deep feelings for each other more than it did me staying over. She came to my house one night, we had a great dinner, awesome connection, amazing sex, and she went home. We texted that night, lots of love, etc. Next day I wake up to a text that says she doesn’t feel safe and is ending the relationship. So she blocks me on the phone. She just started prozac too, and I think it is making her worse while it all balances out in her system.

This has happened about 7-8 times now. Even the blocking, then she unblocks and texts me. The first few times I thought whatever, but the more I was with her the more I fell for her, and the harder it got to deal with. Now its fucking with me. Her family has told her in the past, and she told me, that she has a pattern with men where she gets into a relationship and loses herself.. but the more I think about it, the pattern is probably exactly what she did with me and I am just one more man in her pattern.

The problem is that I love this woman. I want to be there for her if she gets better because the potential in this relationship is massive. If we worked out, we’d be a serious power couple, with love, strength, intelligence, etc.

Am I just wasting my time?

Edit: Just wanted to make it clear, there is absolutely nothing that I am doing to make her feel unsafe. Its almost the opposite.. the better the evenings or days go, the more anxiety she has in the morning.

  1. She isn’t ready to be in a relationship, no matter how much each of you want her to be. She has a lot of issues she needs to work on alone.

  2. Big “if”.
    How long has she been this way? How long have you been seeing her? How much time do you have to give it, a few months, a year, more?

    Only you really know I think guy.

    Maybe fresh off a divorce, you’re not in any hurry to be locked in again, in which case you might want to take things super slowly and more casually and that could be advantageous.
    Or not.
    If you know any of her exes or friends, might they be a source of information..

    Too many variables to give much sensible advice on this one.

    I think sit her down when she’s in a good place and space and have a damn deep conversation.
    If you come away satisfied, good enough. If she then breaks everything again and you have to start from the get go.. you’ll have leaned what her intentions Vs her actions mean I guess.

  3. Just to give you a realistic answer. I was with my GF (25) me (28M) for 7.5 years. She developed anxiety disorder after her mum passed 1.5 years into our relationship. I spent the last 6 years trying to help her, therapy counselling. Holidays, days out. The whole shabbang. Purely because I was so in love with her, we’d have a good weekend and then on Monday I’d get a message saying that she can’t do this anymore and that she’s leaving. She had been doing this every other week since March 2021, I still love her however it ended in November 2022 once the people around me started to see the changes in me. Don’t waste time like I did, it turned me from a super confident person to a nervous wreck (I’m cool now). It never ends trust me

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