Me (17m) and my girlfriend (17f) have been together for almost 7 months now, and yeah we really love eachother and all of our relationship has been amazing but some days ago she made a drastic decision regarding her religion (i have it better explained in another post in my profile) and after some days of trying to be optimistic i finally reached the conclusion that it will not work, we are not compatible anymore and breakup is inevitable. The problem is that the reason for the breakup is not a fight or anything like that, so we still have strong feelings for eachother and the breakup will be friendly, also we are classmates, so we will still keep seeing eachother everyday for the next 2 years. i don’t know what to think about all this situation, it has just been so stressful, i cant relax and i just feel anxious all day, i don’t know if i should be relieved that we still have feelings and will be seeing eachother everyday because that could make us maybe get back together eventually. The worst part is that i will have to be the one to adress the elephant in the room, i don’t know how should i approach to make things less painful, any help is appreciated.

TLDR: Because of stupid religion drama i will have to end my relationship, want to know the best approach and how to make it less painful for us two

  1. Be the bigger person here and maturely talk things out. It may sound like shit for now and for a few days. If that’s what should be done then there’s nothing wrong.
    It’s better now than when things get ugly.

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