so my birthday is on the 25th and a guy i like a lot thinks it’s on the 17th. when he asked me about i just said yes because for some reason i wasn’t thinking and I was nervous about correcting him and potentially hurting his feelings (even though it wouldn’t, yeah i don’t know what i was thinking).

i figured i’d tell him casually in a year so it come off as more funny, but today my snapchat account announced to all of my friends (including him) that it was my birthday. i immediately turned the feature off in hopes of him not seeing it.

is this really bad? should i wait to come clean to him or come clean today? everyone is telling me to just tell him but they don’t understand that i’m very anxious about his reaction and whether or not he already figured it out. i don’t want him to think of me as a liar because usually i never lie and i don’t want that to cause him not to like me because i think we have something going. i’ve been friends with him my whole life.

tldr: i didnt correct my crush on my birthday (not my age), he might know i lied, and i’m
anxious about it. what do i do?

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