I matched with this guy I really like. We both go to the same university and I’ve seen him around. He’s really cute and I really, really like him. I would love for him to be interested in a date, but I’m new at Tinder and I just don’t know what to say beyond “Favorite movie, favorite food, favorite TV show, what’s your hobby?” I don’t want to come off as too forward, blunt, or desperate, so what would be something that would catch your attention?

  1. If he thinks you’re physically attractive, there’s not much you could do to turn him off.. other than being extremely self centered/arrogant.

  2. There’s no real answer for this, it totally depends on the person and it often doesn’t even matter what you say. From what you wrote, you’re just attracted to his looks?

  3. If a girl just randomly messaged me and started explaining her favourite parts of the dark souls lore, I’d probably cream my pants and propose there and then.

    So maybe try that?

  4. you’re better off just chatting about things instead of listing favorites.

    find common ground, then talk about it.

    don’t just say “ok so what’s your favorite food? tacos? cool, me too. so what’s your favorite kind of music?”

    talk about the tacos.

    conversation has to be organic and evolve naturally into other subjects.

  5. There’s no secret trick. Tinder is mostly for banter and establishing some common ground before moving to a date. I like when people are silly and build on the jokes, but as long as they engage we’ll probably get along.

    Something like “Hey you look super familiar. Were you in XYZ class?” or whatever would work fine.

  6. Always talk to him in person if you have the opportunity.

    Approaching someone over tinder has a certain connotation as it’s primarily used for hookups. But even if the guy you’re interested in doesn’t see it that way, talking to him irl separates you from all the other girls on tinder and gives you a huge headstart.

    It’s also much easier to get a feeling for the other person and build a good vibe

  7. Honestly, I’m just looking for no dealbreakers in a profile and is cute. I don’t get “hooked” until there’s some good chat chemistry. But even then, I’m trying to get the first date ASAP because people can be so different in person. You don’t really get their “vibe” through text. The sooner we can forget we met online, the better.

  8. Tinder is a hookup site, so basically I online care if she’s attractive and clean.
    For dating go to bumble or match.

  9. Just talk.

    Say “listen here, pal. I’m lookin to date yo cute ass. You in or out? Checkbox: yes or no. Toodaloo, bitch.”

    Don’t say that. Just talk.

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