I’m a 31(M) Basically me and my ex were fighting a lot and decided to take a break (my idea). I was drinking a lot and in a bad place and was giving bare minimum so it caused a lot of fights. I decided I needed to take a break, and we said we still loved each other and we have stuff to work on. And no telling what the future holds. I’ve moved on for the most part, but I hear the other day through the grapevine she has a new BF and him and his daughter are already moving in with her. I feel like he had to be around and talking while we were together and that kinda irks me. We were together about 7 months and she was wanting me to move in but not till month 6. So three months after we breakup someone new is moving in. Timelines not adding up.

  1. She had him on ice ready to go while your relationship was in its death throws. Tale as old as time.

  2. Why does it really matter if you’re already over it? Move on and get ur shit together and don’t look back.

  3. You never know the details of another person’s relationship. Could be she had him in her life while she was with you, could also be she just feels closer to him quicker than she did with you.

    At the end of the day what she does after you’ve gone your separate ways isn’t your problem. Just move on and forget about her.

  4. You already left and moved on, the relationship was only 7 months which is nothing really. Don’t worry yourself with what she is doing and move forward.

  5. Some relationships move faster than others. If it took her 6 months to ask you to move in, it doesn’t mean that she needs the same amount of time with everybody.

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