After more than a year of socail media contact and 3 dates is Turkey me (37F) and he(37M) were by covincidence in New York at the same time and spent 3 days together,

the first 2 days were flirty at the end of day 2 we kissed and slept together,

he didn’t come on the 3rd day because of work

on the 4. day when he came I kissed him on the lips, there was no change it his communication, but he didn’t take my hand..

while walking around I linked myself into his arm to walk arm in arm since it was cold.

But also he didn’t kiss me by himself, so I kissed him. He didn’t move away but he also didn’t initiate now I’m back in Turkey but we didn’t had a conversation on relationship status.

he drove me to the airport, we hugged we kissed for a short moment and he said he will miss me. and I said I will back soon and he drove away.

I’ll be back in NY in 3 weeks, and we know that we will meet up and he will come back to Turkey in April, so how should I continue the communication during this time?

I know its not a lot.. but for me it clicked and he checks most of the check list points I have for what I look in a guy, great communication, international experience, funny, gentleman , thoughtful and really important listener.. he remembers little details I told him from our fist date.

So a lot says he likes me.. but I dont want to screw it up.. what I normally do..

Thanks in advance!

  1. Sorry to say it sounds like he slept with you and something wasn’t there for him. But he knew you still had a day together so he didn’t want to be a jerk and made the best of it.

    The reality for guys is after sex there is usually a clarity moment. You either got your taste and wasn’t a fan or you got a taste and now you crave more of it. The next day was the tell…if he was into you after sex he would’ve been pushing with the kisses and flirtations to get more of it on your last day together. Instead he was hesitant and didn’t initiate much.

    I would guess he comes up with an excuse to not see you again. Sorry.

  2. I’d just match energy and not look forward too much. At best, he seems cool with the current set up so I’d let things progress naturally and see how much time you send together in future. I wouldn’t push for anything now and just keep it as an “I’ll see you when I see you” and just keep the communication however it is currently

  3. >there was no change it his communication, but he didn’t take my hand

    turns out 37yo still overthink things


    >But also he didn’t kiss me by himself, so I kissed him. He didn’t move away but he also didn’t initiate now I’m back in Turkey but we didn’t had a conversation on relationship status.

    yep, overthinking


    Just be yourself.

    You want to kiss him? Do it.

    You want to hold hands? Do it.

    I can guarantee he enjoys it or else he wouldn’t be spending time with you

  4. You had an online relationship, met in person, had sex, and now you feel a little awkward. I think you need to give it time. You will know for yourself whether it still feels right or not over the next couple of weeks.

  5. A man like this is seeing more than one woman. If you think he’s going to be faithful to ONLY you, then you’re delusional.

    Men like this have options. Why would he want to settle down with someone who’s losing value (you’re past your peak sexual market value) when he’s at his peak?

    Just enjoy your time with him. He’s not going to settle down, and he’s definitely dating other women who are younger/hotter/more fertile.

    A man is only as faithful as his options and the reason you’re so into him is because you know that he’s the type of man every other woman wants to get with.

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